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Backup strategy questions

Go to solution Solved by JonathanM,

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Version 6.11.5 - I have two Macbook Pros, 3 Win10 desktops, and a handful of Android devices (phones and tablet).  I am trying devise a backup strategy that will keep my most important data safe.  Currently on my Win desktop, I am using iDrive to sync important files to their cloud.  I don't understand this to be a viable solution when adding more data from a server like my unraid setup, so I'm looking at Backblaze B2.


Both Macbook Pros are set to use Time Machine to the server using the excellent community plugin by the same name, so local copies are taken care of.  I looked at Seafile for the windows seats since they have a client that can watch directories and sync with the sever so I was inclined to go that way but I'm willing to hear better options.  That would give me Android and Windows file sync to the server in an automated fashion, set and forget.


I have both Seafile and Duplicacy spun up and working now but can't get Duplicacy to play nice with B2 yet.  But before I dive into troubleshooting that I wanted to check with the community for any flaws in my logic or tips, tricks, other suggestions.  I do have Plex and all that on the server but at this point I'm only concerned with backing up the irreplicable stuff.


I did search both here and over on Reddit and couldn't find this same scenario only guides and options for backing up unraid to the cloud.  I'm missing the best practice for backing up to the server in the first place.

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9 hours ago, JonathanM said:

I use UrBackup for my local workstations

Thanks for that.  Was not a solution I was aware of and seems a bit better for my use case than Seafile.  


I did try Nextcloud and on my old hardware in particular it doesn't run very well.  And also has a lot more features than I need so I uninstalled it.

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