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Could someone explain the Memory GUI on the dashboard: RAM, FLASH, LOG, DOCKER

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Could someone help me understand what the memory GUI is referencing.


A mod said that the docker % isn't to do with ram usage but refers to the amount of space used by docker which has a default of 20GB. 


It's under a heading Memory so I assumed it was a breakdown of the RAM by usage.


Are these subheadings actually Storage % ?



Edited by dopeytree
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2 hours ago, JorgeB said:

RAM should be obvious

Flash is the used percentage of the flash drive

Log is the used percentage of the syslog

Docker is the used percentage of the docker image


P.S. this kind of question would be more indicated in the general support forum.


Sorry I missed your reply in the bug post. Thanks


I still think it's a bug having storage percentages shown under a Memory heading? 


Anyway it is how the devs have decided it is.

Edited by dopeytree
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11 minutes ago, dopeytree said:

I still think it's a bug having storage percentages shown under a Memory heading? 

It can be a little confusing and v6.12 adds zfs ARC size, which is shown as a percentage of used RAM, so it's a percentage of a percentage which I don't really like, but it's not up to me, feel free to make a feature request if you'd like to see this changed.



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