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Replacing a pool disk

Go to solution Solved by JonathanM,

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Hi all, I need to replace a disk in a pool and was reading the docs: https://docs.unraid.net/unraid-os/manual/storage-management#replace-a-disk-in-a-pool


In summary: 

  1. Stop the array.
  2. Physically detach the disk from your system you wish to remove.
  3. Attach the replacement disk (must be equal to or larger than the disk being replaced).
  4. Refresh the Unraid webGui when under the Main tab.
  5. Select the pool slot that previously was set to the old disk and assign the new disk to the slot.
  6. Start the array.
  7. If presented with an option to Format the device, click the checkbox and button to do so.


Full stop I may be misinterpreting this but it reads like this is to be done while the Unraid server is running. Is this required or can I do the drive swap while the server is powered off? Some drives are inaccessible while the server is running. For example:  

  1. Stop the array.
  2. Disable auto-start
  3. Shut down Unraid
  4. Physically detach the disk from your system you wish to remove.
  5. Attach the replacement disk (must be equal to or larger than the disk being replaced).
  6. Start Unraid
  7. Open the Main tab.
  8. Select the pool slot that previously was set to the old disk and assign the new disk to the slot.
  9. Start the array.
  10. If presented with an option to Format the device, click the checkbox and button to do so.



Edited by ronmcmxci
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39 minutes ago, ronmcmxci said:

reads like this is to be done while the Unraid server is running.

Definitely not.

While some hardware may work, it's not a universal thing. Hotswap has to be supported by the HBA and the drive cage, so it's safer to power down when unplugging and plugging drives.


The only quibble I have with your summary and the original is the last step, I'm not sure why it's there to be honest. Formatting would erase the pool, so don't do that unless you don't need the data on it.

@JorgeB, could you check that to see if I misread something?

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i just upgraded my cache pool from 2x256gb ssds to 2x512gb ssds


Here's what I did:


1) shut down array

2) pull 1 256gb drive

3) replace with 512gb drive

4) start array

5) unraid detects missing pool disk.  assign new 512gb in its slot

6) start array

7) unraid rebuilds 512gb drive with data from other 256gb drive in pool

8) once rebuild is done, shut down server


repeat 1-7 for the other drive


no issues, no muss, no fuss.  sure it took a bit longer than some other methods, but i didn't need to mess with anything and it "just works"

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