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Can anybody offer help?

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I wonder if anyone can offer any help regarding Unraid Connect. Sorry I’m a bit longwinded but I’m only just keeping up with the UnRaid technology.


I run a Plex Media Server for my Seniors Group and am heading off to Europe for 6 weeks to visit my Grandchildren, so I’d like to be able to connect remotely and use Radarr etc to load in new programmes etc. Actually most of our programmes are not ‘new” but very old as, with an average age of 73, (I’m older than average!) we want to watch videos from the “good old days!” - whenever they were!.


So I’ve downloaded the Connect Plugin and I THINK I’ve set it up in accordance with the notes.  But when I try to connect through a Personal Hotspot on my iPhone (so its using a different IP)  it doesn’t work .


The  Connect Settings I’m using are  “Always On - Manual Port Forward “ and I’ve done forwarded the external port that Connect gives me to the Internal Port 443. When I hit the “Check” button, it tells me “Your Unraid Server is reachable from the internet”.


When I go to the My Servers Dashboard, it tells me my Server is Online  and in Server Management I  can see and open all the Tabs - Main, Dashboard, Settings, Docker etc. If I click on a drive, I can see the contents so all seems to be working well there. However, if I go to the Docker Tab and try to open a Web GUI for a Docker, it is unable to open the WebGUI..


Can anybody give me a pointer as to what I’m doing wrong? As I say, I can move or copy files between disks or shares, and I can create new shares. I can see all my Dockers - I just can’t get to the WebGui to do something with the Dockers in remote access!


Thanks for your help



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Unraid Connect Remote Access is only able to give you access to the Unraid webgui, not to your Docker containers. If you need to access Docker containers or VMs or other items on your network, you'll want to setup WireGuard VPN:




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