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Server name changed after upgrade to 6.12.3

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For the first time in forever (or longer) I've had an issue upgrading my UNRAID server.


I upgraded from 6.12.2 to 6.12.3. The reboot screen counted to more than 400 (which is much longer than usual). I got impatient (probably my mistake) and powered down the server. After a minute I restarted.


Now I cannot get to the webUI via https://nas.local or, nor can I Telnet in via an SSH connection to as I always have in the past. I also cannot access drives on the server via my Windows machines. I do know that the server is actually up and running, since my dockers are responding, and my Kodi box can talk to the Emby docker on the server and stream movies/TV shows. I have even had family remotely connect to Emby.


I'm continuing to get server notifications via Pushover, however the server name has changed from NAS to Tower. I attempted to connect to https://tower.local and got no joy. However I can connect to http://tower.local. After resetting the server name back to NAS, I now cannot connect on http://nas.local, https://nas.local, https://tower.local  or http://tower.local. I can, however, access it on


Even after starting the array (which I realize shouldn't make a lick of difference) I still cannot access the WebUI via nas.local.


I hope someone can identify from the nas-diagnostics-20230718-1907.zip what the heck has happened.



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It is weird, the server initially boots as Tower and then it changes to NAS. Don't think I've seen that before:


Jul 18 15:59:39 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (1013490): NAME='NAS' ; hostname ${NAME//[^a-zA-Z\-\.0-9]/\-}
Jul 18 15:59:39 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (1013491): hostname -s >/etc/hostname
Jul 18 15:59:39 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (1013492): echo '# Generated' >/etc/hosts
Jul 18 15:59:40 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (1013493): echo $(hostname -s) localhost >>/etc/hosts
Jul 18 15:59:40 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (1013494): /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/update_access
Jul 18 15:59:40 Tower root: sshd: no process found
Jul 18 15:59:42 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (1013496): /usr/local/sbin/update_cron
Jul 18 15:59:42 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (1013497): /etc/rc.d/rc.rsyslogd restart
Jul 18 15:59:44 NAS rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.2102.0" x-pid="24790" x-info="https://www.rsyslog.com"] start
Jul 18 15:59:44 NAS emhttpd: Starting services...
Jul 18 15:59:44 NAS emhttpd: shcmd (1013500): /etc/rc.d/rc.samba start


4 hours ago, FreeMan said:

I got impatient (probably my mistake) and powered down the server.

I'm guessing something on the flash got corrupted. Can you put the flash drive in a Windows computer and run chkdsk?


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