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Always get stuck on same file while transfering

Go to solution Solved by Tommyka,

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This is my first try using unraid.
Im migrating from qnap nas to unraid.
My plan was to run unraid on the qnap nas box, got it up and running fine.
I have a brand new Toshiba n300 16 tb disk in it now.
I have not added the second disk yet to create parity because i read it was recomended for a fresh install to move the data over first, and then create the parity.

But when I began to migrate the data the transfers allways get stuck on the same file.
Im using robocopy to copy over the files.


I have tried and move the disk and unraid to another mashine, to see if it was the hardware, but it got stuck on the same file. I have run a smart self-test on the disk, and it came back as ok.

I have added 2 diagnostics from 2 seperate attempts and the smart data.

blokka-diagnostics-20230809-2321.zip blokka-smart-20230809-1309.zip blokka-diagnostics-20230808-2100.zip

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Robocopy has the not-so-nice feature overrunnig itself by trying to be fast. You can tame it with command line options, It looks like it is running slower then, but it does not come to the point where it stales anymore.

Sadly, the optimum settings depend on your hardware, so If I tell you mine, you should take them as a start and experiment with them by adjusting.

(bzw, it does not "fail". It just sits there for ages waiting for the buffers to be written out and get free again. with a lot of patience you will see it continue after a while but staling shortly afterwards again (and again and again...))

@echo off

Set Flags=/MIR /J /B /NDL /R:3 /W:10 /XJ /NJH /NJS /MT:1 /XD "System Volume Information" "domains" "backup" "appdata" "libvirt" "$RECYCLE.BIN" "._nfs" "Saug" "Docker" /XF "*.tmp" "thumbs.db"


Watch out for MT:1 (single thread only!), default is MT:8. (you can ignore the /XD and /XF lists, they just tell robocopy which files/dirs NOT to copy)



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I tried with different thread count to test if that made a difference.

I tried looking around to find what file it was getting stuck on, but it just stopped after finishing a specific folder, but was not able to find any folders that was missing files.
This is a big image archive, and I noticed that I had a old Lightroom archive in the folder that was not needed. And after deleting that it would complete the copy, or now it would just confirm that all the files where there.

So I have now managed to copy over everything I needed. But it seams that it stumbled in all the small preview files of the Lightroom archive.

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