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Security questions

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I've been testing Unraid for a couple of days and I'm very impressed. I think the UI is the best out of the bunch and I really like how so far everything just works.


That being said, the latter seems to be because everything is running as root. My understanding is that from a security perspective, this is a no-no. Additional users only serve the function of controling access to shares.


How do people navigate this, especially if exposing parts of Unraid to the Internet (containers, VMs, etc.)?


Additionally, the one thing I have not been able to accomplish is to get Unraid's shares to show up on the Windows network tab, like my Synology NAS or other network drives. Why is that? I can access if I use something like \\IP_ADDRESS or \\hostname, but I can't get them to show up in the tab.

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9 hours ago, enderraid said:

Additionally, the one thing I have not been able to accomplish is to get Unraid's shares to show up on the Windows network tab, like my Synology NAS or other network drives. Why is that? I can access if I use something like \\IP_ADDRESS or \\hostname, but I can't get them to show up in the tab.


Difficult to tell based on the information supplied.  You are likely to get informed feedback if you post your system's diagnostics zip file so we can see how you have Unraid set up.

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@enderraid, you might want to go through the PDF document in the first post of this thread:





I also seem to recall that SMBv1 is now turned off in all new installs of Unraid.  Also go to      Settings  >>>  SMB      and make sure that this is turned on:



I also think it helps if you have mapped an Unraid SMB share on your Windows computer.  


Setting up a 'Windows Credential' to your Unraid server might also help.


Make sure that you have set your Windows network 'type' to "Private"   On your windows computer,   Settings  >>>  Network & Internet   If it is 'Public', click on "Properties" and change.



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3 hours ago, nuhll said:

It doesnt really matter. You shouldnt point unraid to outside anyway.


Under shares you must set export to yes to see it. (its per share)

Thanks. I do agree that it does not seem suite for external exposure.


I did export the shares, but I can't see them unless I go by IP.

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25 minutes ago, enderraid said:

Thanks. I do agree that it does not seem suite for external exposure.


I did export the shares, but I can't see them unless I go by IP.

Thats all you need.


\\serverip (depending on your network you can also use servername)\sharename


You really want to be sure what you expose to the outside world. Ill only do plex. (in a docker)


But best would be VPN depending on your scenario.

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