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PR2100 Migration

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I have what I'm sure is a dumb question which I know the answer too but I'm going to ask anyway just in case there is some unraid magic.

I have new unraid setup on old I7 comp and I'm waiting for disks. I have an old WD PR2100 NAS raid 1 (because I'm that cheap and was out of storage).


Can I repurpose the PR2100 disks into the Unraid computer without losing data? Just plug and pray them reshare for now?

I'll be adding 3 8T disks soon 2 data 1 parity in a few days.

I assume that wont work and the disks would need to be zero'ed because of how the nas would of stored the data?


What would be the fastest way to do data migration? 7T even over the Lan would be sucky slow, and tie all the devices up (family gets grumpy when plex is off line)?


Thanks for any insights, new to unraid but not IT stuff in general. 

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  • Solution
8 minutes ago, anthropological-shaker8382 said:

Can I repurpose the PR2100 disks into the Unraid computer without losing data?

Probably not, but that depends on if the disks have a standard partition layout and a file system that Unraid can read.


In NO case I can imagine can they be put into the main array without losing data.


If it is a healthy RAID1 and you don't mind breaking the mirror you could always see if one of the disks will mount using the Unassigned Devices plugin. Worst case you would need to put the disk back and allow the WD NAS to rebuild it. If either of the drives isn't perfectly healthy this very well end up with data loss. I wouldn't test this unless you have a full backup of any data you can't afford to lose.


If Unassigned devices can't mount it (probably not), I see no other option besides copying over the LAN.


BTW, Unraid (or any RAID) is not a substitute for backup. It can only rebuild a failed drive, it can't uncorrupt data or fix deletion. I'd copy the data and leave the old NAS as a backup destination.

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