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Setting up syslog doesn't produce any files

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Hi, I'm trying to diagnose a crash that seems to happen every 10-14 days on my server that just locks it up completely forcing me to do a hard reboot. I'm trying to set up a syslog on one of the shares on my server using these settings:



However this seems to produce no files, is there something I'm doing wrong or something I need to set up differently?

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  • Solution

Local syslog server is where you set where incoming syslogs go (from other system).


Remote syslog server is where you set where outgoing syslogs go (to another system).


For this to work on the same system, you need to set BOTH up since you want to both send and receive.


Or you can just enable Mirror to Flash.  Simpler.  And also has the huge advantage of working with the array stopped.

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