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Share in windows networking that no longer exists

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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When I go to \\unraid I can see a share called "downloading" that no longer exists. It's been a while since I've accessed unraid this way, but iirc, this share existed on a ZFS pool that I've removed. Somehow the share still lingers. Trying to open it in Windows, just doesn't do anything. No error or nothing, just as if I never clicked it.


The confusing bit is that it doesn't show up on the shares tab in the web UI.


So my question: where exactly is it pulling shares from, when returning the list of shares when accessing unraid via SMB?


I have already done

find . -name "downloading"

in the root with 0 results. So at least we know it's not a file/directory with that name, that's causing this phantom share to exist.


I've also created a share with that name, and then deleted it. That doesn't fix it either.


I'm using Unraid 6.12.4.

Edited by thany
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Sounds like you have a download folder on a disk somewhere.  Posting the diagnostics as requested will help. 


2 hours ago, thany said:

Trying to open it in Windows, just doesn't do anything. No error or nothing, just as if I never clicked it.


This happens because your windows user doesn't have permission to the share.  Usually because root/root is defined instead of nobody/users.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry, I've been on holiday since my TS. Here are my diagnostics.


But as said, such file/directory simply doesn't exist anywhere, as proven by that `find` command. Or did I do it wrong?

And surely if Windows discovers I have no access to a share, it would show an error about it, but that time I saw *nothing* pop up. After upgrading unraid to the latest version however, I get the error "The network path cannot be found" which usually means the server name is incorrect, even though other shares on the same server work fine.


Edited by thany
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You have six shares that do not have any files on any storage media:


A---e                             shareUseCache="no"      # Share does not exist
a-----a                           shareUseCache="no"      # Share exists on disk1, disk3
a-----e                           shareUseCache="only"    # Share exists on archives
b----p                            shareUseCache="no"      # Share exists on disk1, disk3
c------e                          shareUseCache="no"      # Share does not exist
docker                            shareUseCache="only"    # Share exists on ssd
d------d                          shareUseCache="no"      # Share exists on disk1, disk2, disk3
f---s                             shareUseCache="no"      # Share exists on disk1, disk2, disk3
F----s                            shareUseCache="no"      # Share does not exist
G---s                             shareUseCache="no"      # Share does not exist
i------g                          shareUseCache="yes"     # Share exists on disk1, disk2, disk3
m---c                             shareUseCache="no"      # Share exists on disk1
p--s                              shareUseCache="no"      # Share exists on disk1, disk2, disk3
S----s                            shareUseCache="no"      # Share does not exist
S-----------------------n         shareUseCache="no"      # Share does not exist
vm                                shareUseCache="only"    # Share exists on ssd

(From the file---   shareDisks.txt   ----in the diagnostics with the path----    unraid-diagnostics-20231221-1411\shares\)


In the GUI, go to SHARES ------  I believe the 'cleanup' button may cleanup this situation.



Edited by Frank1940
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6 hours ago, JorgeB said:

It's from the SMB extras settings page, this must have been added by you in the past


Yup, that was it. I must've added it at some point, yes... Totally missed this one.


5 hours ago, Frank1940 said:

In the GUI, go to SHARES ------  I believe the 'cleanup' button may cleanup this situation.




That wasn't it, because of the above, but I tried it anyway and it said it cleaned up 6 "configurations".

I wish it would say what configurations they are, that it cleaned up. It kinda doesn't feel right when it cleans up something without me knowing what that is. Or alternatively, make it so that cleaning up won't be neccesary ;)

Edited by thany
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