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Unraid 6.12.4 crashing multiple times a week - need assistance

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I upgraded to 6.12.4 a couple of weeks ago and my server has gone unresponsive several times a week.  I just enabled syslog server in an attempt to get the errors that proceed a crash.  Here is what I got on the last crash:


Oct 26 19:01:06 Tower nginx: 2023/10/26 19:01:06 [alert] 9931#9931: worker process 7606 exited on signal 6
Oct 26 19:02:14 Tower monitor: Stop running nchan processes

Please note there were 600 or so nginx errors basically every second before this one….just omitting to keep this concise.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to proceed?  Right now I am considering downgrading to the last 6.11.X release….as I never had issues with it.

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Attached is my syslog...this was started on 10/25/23 after a crash I experienced earlier in that day.  The snipet above from from line 126 to line 746.   Then after line 746 was the reboot.  I took a picture of my monitor when the system was crashed....see below.  Obviously with the crash being random, I am unable to run and capture a diagnostic that covers the crash event...so I ran one right now for your reference and attached it.





tower-diagnostics-20231028-0928.zip syslog.txt

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Oct 26 17:52:45 Tower nginx: 2023/10/26 17:52:45 [alert] 9931#9931: worker process 9932 exited on signal 6
Oct 26 17:52:46 Tower nginx: 2023/10/26 17:52:46 [alert] 9931#9931: worker process 32536 exited on signal 6
Oct 26 17:52:47 Tower nginx: 2023/10/26 17:52:47 [alert] 9931#9931: worker process 32570 exited on signal 6
Oct 26 17:52:48 Tower nginx: 2023/10/26 17:52:48 [alert] 9931#9931: worker process 32606 exited on signal 6
Oct 26 17:52:49 Tower nginx: 2023/10/26 17:52:49 [alert] 9931#9931: worker process 32640 exited on signal 6
Oct 26 17:52:51 Tower nginx: 2023/10/26 17:52:51 [alert] 9931#9931: worker process 32695 exited on signal 6
Oct 26 17:52:52 Tower nginx: 2023/10/26 17:52:52 [alert] 9931#9931: worker process 32731 exited on signal 6


If you usually see these before the crash try booting in safe mode and/or closing any browser windows open to the GUI, only open when you need to use it then close again.

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