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Unable to increase vDisk size for HAOS VM

Go to solution Solved by manofoz,

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My Home Assistant OS vDisk is starting to get full and I'd like to increase it's size. However when I got to do so it does not save my changes and just snaps it back to what it was sized at before:




Click enter or off the text box and poof back to 32G:



I also tried qemu-img resize but it does not like my disk file:


root@HaynesTower:~# qemu-img resize "/mnt/user/domains/Home Assistant/haos_ova-10.5.vmdk" +96G

qemu-img: Image format driver does not support resize


I tried qemu-img convert as well which looked like it worked, it hung a while and then completed with nothing output, but the disk size remained the same.


Anyone overcome something like this?


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  • 1 month later...

To anyone who want to do this having VMDK image.

  1. Make backup of you VM - just in case
  2. Shutdown your VM
  3. Convert VMDK to qcow2 
    qemu-img convert -p -f vmdk -O qcow2 /mnt/user/domains/home_assistant/haos_ova-6.0.vmdk /mnt/user/domains/home_assistant/haos_ova-6.0.qcow2


  4. Change the path to your new disk in your VM
  5. Change the type from raw to qcow2 in your VM
    <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2' cache='writeback'/>
          <source file='/mnt/user/domains/home_assistant/haos_ova-6.0.qcow2' index='1'/>


  6. Update the setup, click on the VM and increase the disk size in UNRAID UI
Edited by Przemek
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