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Some or All Files Unprotected

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My Unraid Server has been going for well over a month.  I'm puzzled as to why the caution symbol appears (Some or All Files Unprotected) for some folders/files.  See screenshots attached.  Those files appear to be system-owned files (._Icon / Icon), so why does this happen and is it something I should be concerned about?  If not, how do I make it stop flagging them?  Thank you.



Screen Shot 2023-11-02 at 9.15.37 AM.png

Screen Shot 2023-11-02 at 9.17.44 AM.png

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Thank you for your reply.


I understand that well enough; however, when I look at the settings for the upper tier folder, does this not show that it is set to be cache and array?  See screenshot below.  It appears to be only the "Icon" files that are causing this problem; however, I cannot delete them or move them out of this folder.  I'm not even sure what they are.


Thank you again.


Screen Shot 2023-11-02 at 9.44.41 PM.png

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10 hours ago, gsownsby said:

I cannot delete them or move them out of this folder.


One possible reason is that you can't move (or delete) files that are open.


Files that begin with a 'dot' are normally hidden files.   Files are generally hidden so that they can't be 'accidentally' modified by the casual user as they are generated and used by some program to store settings or other runtime information.  The file, Icon, has zero information stored in it at this time but you probably knew this.  Does this condition change over time?


EDIT:  Just tried something.  Open the share with SMB on your PC and see if you can copy the ._Icon file to your PC.   (I just copied a a file file from a share to which I  had read-only access to my Desktop.) At that point you can open the file (I would start with Notepad and move on to photo-viewers) and see if you can figure what it contains. 

Edited by Frank1940
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Possibly.  Depends on the method used for the copy.  (If rsync was used, it would depend on the command line switches used for the transfer. I use rysnc occassionily but I am no expert in using it and end up googling the topic to figure out to get it working 'right'.)   One thing is the different owners on those two files.  The permissions are identical (-rwxrw-rw-) but they are not what would be expected for Unraid  (-rw-rw-rw-)  or most Linux distributions  (-rw-r--r--).   Normally, the execution bit is not turned on by default for a data file as that is consider a BIG security issue. 


Do you have a share access user--- gsownsby ---setup on your Unraid server?  


Another thing to try is to use the coomand to look at the group on these files.  

ls -al /mnt/user/<path-to-share-point>


For Unraid to work correctly, the group must be users  (Any Share Access User that you define is automatically a member of users! Thus, the actual owner is immaterial as far I as I have been able to determine.)

Edited by Frank1940
Added Access to "Share Access User" for clarity
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