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So I have been using unraid for a few years now and mostly use it to manage my media library.  Last year I built a new server which now runs windows as a VM, this replaced an old pc.  

The problem is my son does a bit of pc gaming and more games seem to be blocking VM machines, even Roblox will not run on windows VM anymore. 


What are my options. 

Can I boot to windows and run unraid as a VM?

Or will windows 11 do all the things docker wise that unraid does for me. 


Thanks in advance.

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  • 5 weeks later...

FYI: roblox is using a 3rd party group and activity saying no to any linux support. (outside of the Android app store)
Quite a few as it can potently lead to way to read protected memory locations.

Depends on use case. and hardware to run. the more bar bones passed the better.


in my testbed setup I had proxmox as host, a hba to pass disk to unraid and used pcie passthorugh of that device for unraid to be virtualized under proxmox. Their is some talk on the forum to vm a proxmox instance to have a better hypervisor.


For your use case, as kvm hidden is a option that can be added to a unriad vm xml config.

go to VM clidk edit vm and togle the swith at the top right



add see previous forum post. proxmox forum: http://tinyurl.com/2rb4wvks


Manualy editing the xml config is great, but you will not be able to use the gui after wards and changes can be reverted after a upgrade / update...

Always make a backup of the xml of the vm before editing!


IN you unraid vm xml


Find  CPU Mode and replace with the following:


  <cpu mode='host-passthrough' check='none' migratable='on'>
    <topology sockets='1' dies='1' cores='4' threads='1'/>
    <cache mode='passthrough'/>

<feature policy='disable' name='hypervisor'/>

    <feature policy='require' name='topoext'/>


<hidden state='on'/>



then at the end of the xml file but before the end of </domain> add QEMU commands


    <qemu:arg value='-cpu'/>
    <qemu:arg value= 'host, hidden=1'/>


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  • 3 months later...
On 1/15/2024 at 12:35 PM, bmartino1 said:

FYI: roblox is using a 3rd party group and activity saying no to any linux support. (outside of the Android app store)
Quite a few as it can potently lead to way to read protected memory locations.

Depends on use case. and hardware to run. the more bar bones passed the better.


in my testbed setup I had proxmox as host, a hba to pass disk to unraid and used pcie passthorugh of that device for unraid to be virtualized under proxmox. Their is some talk on the forum to vm a proxmox instance to have a better hypervisor.


For your use case, as kvm hidden is a option that can be added to a unriad vm xml config.

go to VM clidk edit vm and togle the swith at the top right



add see previous forum post. proxmox forum: http://tinyurl.com/2rb4wvks


Manualy editing the xml config is great, but you will not be able to use the gui after wards and changes can be reverted after a upgrade / update...

Always make a backup of the xml of the vm before editing!


IN you unraid vm xml


Find  CPU Mode and replace with the following:


  <cpu mode='host-passthrough' check='none' migratable='on'>
    <topology sockets='1' dies='1' cores='4' threads='1'/>
    <cache mode='passthrough'/>

<feature policy='disable' name='hypervisor'/>

    <feature policy='require' name='topoext'/>


<hidden state='on'/>



then at the end of the xml file but before the end of </domain> add QEMU commands


    <qemu:arg value='-cpu'/>
    <qemu:arg value= 'host, hidden=1'/>


Thanks for the the detailed explanation regarding this. 


I've just setup my 1st Unraid gaming VM only to work out that Roblox is not launching at all, it opens a windows that instantly closes. Very annoying indeed.


Can I ask is this method still working/relative or is Roblox on and Unraid VM a no go.



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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, wacko37 said:

Thanks for the the detailed explanation regarding this. 


I've just setup my 1st Unraid gaming VM only to work out that Roblox is not launching at all, it opens a windows that instantly closes. Very annoying indeed.


Can I ask is this method still working/relative or is Roblox on and Unraid VM a no go.



it  roblox software side.


Sorry as if software is activity stopping itself due to an environment, it not on your vm software / hyper v

best I can recommend is kvm hidden and other qemu commands/policies... but i have not seen a true workaround or fix.


Edited by bmartino1
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Posted (edited)

Honestly, as the company behind Roblox is again it including work around, I would point you to VM / emulate a Linux Android phone and use the Roblox android app...

Similar to Linage OS /Harmony OS/Bliss OS which are now obsolete version of running an Android phone OS...
EX: https://waydro.id/#install

unraid is a far way off to accessing the necessary kvm / qemu to emulate and bypass.

For other anti cheat BS games stuff as it would require a different "loader" and other settings to "disguise" which isn't worth the fight.
^ which would need the qemu libvirt file to be patched...

Roblox is upsetting to me as Android is linux! ... Yet Roblox openly said they are against bring it to the linux platform. I assume as they get some sort of kick back from the Roblox studio that doing so would kill their business. Regardless, Roblox the company is in charge of their own software and have actively put in blocks to prevent VM/Linux use. 

My understanding is that while it is not as functional, it should still be playable in the web browser. Just login and play don't download and install the player/studio...

However, supposedly there have been reports of it working in VMware player vms...

Silly but in theory...
to use in on unraid you would need a base os in a VM to runthe player... then in that VM run a Windows VM:


The game your playing when fighting software companies like this is hide the guest OS that is in a hyper V and any emulated Hardware needs to act as if bare bones / have a valid bare bones ID. I have other misgivings with Treble software needing "Roootkit/Anit-cheats" to check their software due to poor programming... THis had more to do with the Company that roblox acquired that incorporated the anit Linux model.

Edited by bmartino1
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WOW - you have gone above and beyond here with your reply, I'm so grateful.... truely!


You have saved me so much time and frustration of trying to make this work.


I believe I fully understand you correctly now. If I was to get Roblox to work by bypassing the Roblox security blocks, it will only be a matter of time before I would end back where I started with NO Roblox.


So I was thinking, I have BlueStacks setup on my main gaming PC so the kids can have "Messenger for Kids" while gaming.


So in light of your opening reply, I will install BlueStacks on my Unraid Windows VM and then install android version of Roblox. 


This sounds much easier to implement that fighting a loosing battle with Roblox on VMs

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4 minutes ago, wacko37 said:


WOW - you have gone above and beyond here with your reply, I'm so grateful.... truely!


You have saved me so much time and frustration of trying to make this work.


I believe I fully understand you correctly now. If I was to get Roblox to work by bypassing the Roblox security blocks, it will only be a matter of time before I would end back where I started with NO Roblox.


So I was thinking, I have BlueStacks setup on my main gaming PC so the kids can have "Messenger for Kids" while gaming.


So in light of your opening reply, I will install BlueStacks on my Unraid Windows VM and then install android version of Roblox. 


This sounds much easier to implement that fighting a loosing battle with Roblox on VMs

Thank you. I was playing around with a older VM but see now that Micrsfot has gotten ride of this feature.

The WSA 
https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/03/rip-to-the-windows-subsystem-for-android-which-goes-away-in-2025/#:~:text=The Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) was a follow-,a remote PC running a

Looks like Microsoft pulled the plug on that one. It was using firetv android kernel code when it was in dev testing. I played around with it before in the past, but with the tech change in direction, it looks like BlueStacks is the window go to for android. Thanks for that info. https://www.bluestacks.com/

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It's nice to able to return the favour somewhat! 


Yes the windows android subsystem was pretty much useless as it relied on Amazon appstore which never seemed to have the apps I required.....lol


I'm currently offshore for work, but looking forward to testing BlueStacks on the VM when I get back. Hopefully it allows 2 apps running at once ie: messenger for kids + Roblox = happy kids = happy dad!



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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

OK anyone facing the same issue regarding Roblox on VM?


I have successfully setup and tested Roblox via BlueStacks (Android Emulator), I know..... its the android version and not running natively on the VM, but I finally have Roblox working on my VM, which = Happy Kids!!!.....job done


EDIT - NOPE this method is a failure, and sadly now worth implementing unless you have a huge amount of resources to passthrough to it - But I do have a fix

Edited by wacko37
Further testing
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