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Connect to Windows 10 via network?

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6 hours ago, medicmandan said:

Trying to move data from a Windows 10 machine to Unraid via the network.  Tried to add it as a Remote SMB.  It can find the Windows machine but it does not list any shares.  No matter how I enter the drive path it fails to connect.


What am I missing?

This is nearly always an issue with the way the shares and their associated permissions are set up on the Windows side.    Is there any reason that you are not doing it the other way around - connecting the Windows machine to a share on the Unraid server which would be the more common way of doing things.

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@medicmandan, Please note my upvote on @itimpi's suggestion.  That would be the easiest way to go.


However, if you insist on going the other route, I did a  guide to setting up a Windows peer-to-peer network.  You can find it here:




Just understand that setting Windows SMB networking environments is a minefield and that there are tens of thousands networking professionals who make their living setting up and maintaining these networks.  Most of the technical details were provided by @Batter Pudding and I did the technical writing as I am  not a Windows Networking Professional.  (I know just enough to made me really dangerous...)


I must admit that I have never attempted to set things up so that file transfers could be done from the Unraid side.  I would imagine that you would be using the Unassigned Devices plugin.  

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5 hours ago, itimpi said:

This is nearly always an issue with the way the shares and their associated permissions are set up on the Windows side.    Is there any reason that you are not doing it the other way around - connecting the Windows machine to a share on the Unraid server which would be the more common way of doing things.


I was not aware I could connect it the other way.  This is my first foray into Unraid (well, really any true server) and one of SpaceInvader's videos talked about adding it as an unassigned device.


I did get it to work.  As you noted, I had sharing permissions wrong on the other side.  It is awfully slow though.  


I will explore the other option.  


Appreciate the feedback.  This has been quite a learning experience for a non-tech person.  

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