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Slow data speed transfer in certain folder

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I'm new to Unraid and hope if someone can help me troubleshoot this problem.


I have an Array, and two SSD cache drives. When I transfer files from my PC to unraid the files stay at cache drive then at 3am I have schedule it move to my Array. My current network is 10GB/s. My speed when transfer into unraid is good and constant thanks to the cache drives.


However, when I transfer my files from unraid to my PC a certain files and certain folders have really slow speed I'm talking about 20MBs instead of regular 200-280MBs. Even the files within the same folders somes have really slow speed transfer. I've checked and those files are currently storing in the same disk of the array.


I'm not sure if I have set up something wrong and I hope someone could help me out.


Thank you for reading.

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On 2/27/2024 at 5:56 AM, trurl said:

Attach diagnostics to your NEXT post in this thread.

I apologize I think I had mover logging enabled so it may not be annonymous. Please let me know if i need to remove anything for privacy.


Thank you for your help


Edited by bohaman
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