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Hi all.


I have been searching to try and find how to fix this.

I added a password to my binhex-sabnzbd Website but me not thinking what i was doing never saved the password.


So now i am trying to to delete the password but cannot find anywhere how to change it.

I have tried this but it does not work


1. STOP Sabnzbd+  : sudo /etc/init.d/sabnzbdplus stop
2. Locate your sabnzbd.ini : locate sabnzbd.ini
3. open sabnzbd.ini : sudo nano /path/to/sabnzbd.ini
4. Change sabnzbd.ini : look for username & password >> change this to your liking
5. Save sabnzbd.ini : press Ctrl + X  >> answer YES > press enter
6. Start sabnzbd+ again : sudo /etc/init.d/sabnzbdplus start


Sorry I did try but not coming right.


If anyone can be so kind and point me in the right direction.

And thanks for the help.

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7 minutes ago, Morne said:

Hi all.


I have been searching to try and find how to fix this.

I added a password to my binhex-sabnzbd Website but me not thinking what i was doing never saved the password.


So now i am trying to to delete the password but cannot find anywhere how to change it.

I have tried this but it does not work


1. STOP Sabnzbd+  : sudo /etc/init.d/sabnzbdplus stop
2. Locate your sabnzbd.ini : locate sabnzbd.ini
3. open sabnzbd.ini : sudo nano /path/to/sabnzbd.ini
4. Change sabnzbd.ini : look for username & password >> change this to your liking
5. Save sabnzbd.ini : press Ctrl + X  >> answer YES > press enter
6. Start sabnzbd+ again : sudo /etc/init.d/sabnzbdplus start


Sorry I did try but not coming right.


If anyone can be so kind and point me in the right direction.

And thanks for the help.

Just to add to this I hope this the correct place to post this.

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21 minutes ago, Morne said:

Just to add to this I hope this the correct place to post this.

Please go to your Docker page within Unraid, click on the Container icon that gives you issues then on Support and post your question there.


I'll lock this post

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