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Dockers using VPN network not rebuilding after update of VPN docker

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Hi all!


Since a long time I have been looking for a solution for the following problem: I have several dockers that I want to have behind a VPN. To that purpose I have a GlueTun VPN docker. The other dockers are using the network of the VPN docker by adding special parameter "--net=container:gluetunvpn". This works like a charm.


However, when the GlueTun VPN docker is updated or restarted, (obviously) the network of all depended dockers becomes invalid. After the restarting of the VPN docker, the depended dockers show 'Rebuild ready' but are stuck in that state. The only way that I am aware of to trigger the actual rebuilding of those dockers, is by browsing to the  /docker overview in de WebUI. Once I do that, all these dockers start the actual rebuild. If I do not visit that URL, none of the dockers gets rebuild and remain stuck in their 'Rebuild ready' state. As such, part of my system becomes unresponsive as those dockers cannot be reached anymore.


Is here any solution to this? Thanks in advance!


Regards, Michiel

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On 5/11/2024 at 1:23 PM, michielvv said:

Is here any solution to this? Thanks in advance!

If it is updated the complete container network is rebuilt by default, it could be however be the case that your server is not quick enough to establish the VPN connection but even if this is the case that shouldn't be an issue.


However if you restart the VPN container, you have to restart all attached containers too.


To circumvent that I built something that I call Connected Containers into my OpenVPN-Client and containers that may be attached to a VPN (for example SABnzbd, Radarr, Sonarr,...) so that the connected containers automatically restart after a certain amount of time if the OpenVPN-Client is restarted so that the containers actually have a network.

I know that might not help in your case because you are using GlutenVPN which I've never looked into.


There should be a script out there which you can run as a User Script which checks periodically the uptime from the containers and compares them, if it differs a huge amount of time it triggers a restart from all containers.

I'll see if I can source the script somewhere but I'm not too sure if I can find it because I read about that a few years ago.


EDIT: https://github.com/DyonR/docker-passthroughvpn?tab=readme-ov-file#installing-the-auto-restart-script

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Thanks so much! I indeed think there may be some kind of race condition between the VPN connection complete and the rebuilding trigger for the VPN dependent dockers. << would this be a bug?


The script works like a charm. I have followed the above instructions, renamed the PASSTHROUGHVPNNAME to the containernetwork named 'gluetunvpn'. It does work a little different from your explanation though: it just checks if the VPN container has been restarted based on uptime and container id change (if it cannot get the uptime it assumes a container restart). If so, then it will restart all containers that rely on the network of the VPN container. Simple and clean solution, nice!

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