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Blacklisted USB-stick

Go to solution Solved by Kilrah,

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I had an old PC lying around where I put UNRAID on and I really liked it! So I bought the Pro version last november for a reduced price. (Think it was a black friday deal).

Later on I build a new PC with suitable parts for a server. I also bought a faster USB-stick and transported (succesfully!) the license and all to this new stick. Than I setup my new motherboard etc. It all works fantastically!!!

But now:

The older PC I had used with the licensed UNRAID was lying around again. So I thought to make another UNRAID server for some special data. But: When I used an USB-stick it would say the stick was black-listed. It could be that I already used it for UNRAID, but I bought and tried a new one: it was also blacklisted. The where all Sandisk sticks by the way.

Now I've 2 possible things going:     1. First the blacklisted USB-stick.
                    2. The older PC that had the licensed UNRAID on it. Maybe it won't work because UNRAID sees it as a system already used with a license..?

I just dont know which is the problem here. The blacklisting seems so awkward because I tried multiple USB-sticks. Maybe it relates to my email-address? Pfff, I just dont know!

My plan was to buy another license for the older PC but it becomes impossible it seems...

Can anyone help?

Schermafbeelding 2024-05-13 134952.png

Schermafbeelding 2024-05-13 140322.png

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It has nothing to do with the machine, only the usb drive. The one you originally used would have been blacklisted when you transferred the license, but new ones shouldn't.

Possible your location could be selling fake Sandisk sticks, it's the brand that's the most counterfeited in the field. Try another brand.

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