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Simple wifi photo backup? (Not NextCloud plz)

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So I've done quite a bit of searching, and oddly, haven't found a clear answer to this.

All I want is to be able to automatically dump any and all photos from my Android phone to a specific share folder on my unraid server.

I used to use Dropbox, and it had pretty much this exact feature, but it came with a lot of extra baggage, so I ditched it.

Lots of the older links I found suggested NextCloud, but that seems to be just as bloated and cumbersome to set up as Dropbox, and is probably way overkill for this one simple task.

I thought about Seafile, but looking at the 2 available dockers; 1 is outdated, and the other looks sorta complicated, as it requires a custom network and a separate DB/SQL server. 

Surely there must be a simple solution for this, no?

Someone please tell me I'm missing an obvious solution! :)


To be clear, this is for an Android phone, and needs to sync continuously (or on-demand would be okay also) over wifi.


EDIT:  For anyone coming across this later, the solution (for me) is SyncThing.  It's not the most intuitive thing to set up, but it works fine once you get it all sorted.  The Android app kinda sucks.  I can't comment on the iOS version, since I don't use Apple products.

Edited by Elmojo
added solution/update
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6 hours ago, Aran said:

Try Resilio.

Thanks, I'll look into that.  I'm playing around with SyncThing right now, and so far, it's working okay.  It's a bit more complicated that I'd prefer to get set up, and I don't love the android app, but it appears to be doing the basic backup fairly well.

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I use Syncthing everywhere and I agree that the Android version is challenging but it's mainly because of Android.


However, as many people point out here, syncthing is a replication tool, not a true backup.  You need to sync your Android files to unRAID and then use Duplicati or Vorta/Borg to back those up (snapshots).

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30 minutes ago, TimTheSettler said:

syncthing is a replication tool, not a true backup

Noted, thanks.  I'm not really trying to 'back up' these photos, per se.  I'm just trying to avoid having to plug in a cable, launch explorer and wait for the thumbnails to index every time I need to download photos from my phone to my desktop, which is often.  This way, all the photos I take will eventually end up on my server, and I can just pull them from there.

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I use syncthing for that and it's been working fine for years, have it installed on the phones and on all my machines, plus one on the server. 

The one on the server isn't being interacted with but is set up with 30 days version/deleted file retention  on the important shares so it's the "backup" against an accidental deletion and also makes sure there's at least one client online at any time to minimize the risk of sync conflits.

Edited by Kilrah
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