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Moving files from one tower to another


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Yes, there is, but it is a lot of work.  You can mount the shares from tower2 onto tower1, then use midnight commander to move the files.  I don't know the syntax to mount the shares, you will have to look those up.


Why not just use Windows + TeraCopy?  Much simpler and safer, albeit slower.

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Easier method would be to use your windows machine and a program called teracopy. Then have teracopy do a verify to ensure the files were synced/copied without error. 


Faster method definitely is rsync. But harder to do if your not familiar with linux drive mounting.


Sent from my SGH-I727R using Tapatalk

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Sorry not scripts as automated ones but cmd lines:


Now I'm going from memory here as I haven't done this for a while but you have to mount the other folder from the server you want the data from.


Create a temp directory

mkdir /mnt/temp

mount the server to copy from into the server to copy to

mount -t nfs //xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/your/folder /mnt/temp

run this in screen


rsync the files you want over

rsync -av --stats --progress /mnt/temp /dir you want the files

exit screen ctrl + A and the ctrl + D


to return type screen -r


I hope that is all correct :P


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