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Backup flash drive

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I have UnraidServer 4.7 that runs pretty well.....I had 2 times some issues though, and I had to boot with a monitor hooked up to access the BIOS (Unraid was not booting up, and I had to look into the BIOS)

Because of these 2 issues, I thought that I should maybe have a backup of my USB drive  somehow

How can I do that? Just access it once the server is powered on, and copy/paste somewhere on my PC?

Or is there a specific backup method?


1 more question: my 4.7 verison is running fine, but I can only add 2 drives to stay with the same license....What version shoudl I try if i want to use 3TB disk to optimize those 2 last open spots?



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1.  Make a back up of your entire 4.7 flash (I copied mine over the network)...<you may need to downgrade later, and super.dat and disk.cfg will be your friends>


2.  start with a clean v5 <currently @RC3..soon to be RC4> by following these instructions:



Note:  I had unMENU installed which cause a blank screen after the initial splash screen, likely due to the php version used..I ended up commenting out my go script to not start unMENU.



Also, use ip-addr/Main to get to the UI



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