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NFS Mount Issues - Need Help (Solved)

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I am trying to set up an NFS mount to install and run xbmc from an nfs share on unraid 4.7 and am running in to a permissions issue that I need some help on. 


Here is a link for what I am trying to do: http://forum.stmlabs.com/showthread.php?tid=5496


I think my problem is that on the unraid box the files and directories are owned by root, however the raspberry pi user that is trying to connect to this nfs is a user of pi.  When I enable or login as root on the raspberry pi, I am able to mount to the unraid nfs export.  So it is clearly a permissions issue.


How do I map the user of pi so that it connects to unraid as root?  What is the UID and GID of root in unraid? 






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Thanks for the help...I really appreciate it.  Attached is a screenshot.  I am not sure why you made the statement that the instructions are not applicable?  Please note in the screenshot that I have a share just below the Raspbmc share that works.  The raspbmc share is different though as the raspberry is connecting to the share and running xbmc.  The developers created the link that I shared to indicate how the nfs share should be configured. 


Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.




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There is a file on the raspberry pi sd card named cmdline.txt.  Here are the contents (this is what I think is not connecting):


dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 ip=dhcp root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=,v3 rootfstype=nfs quiet rootwait loglevel=1


I really appreciate your assistance!




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Now that I have digested this and tried it, I realize that it will not solve my issue.  I have two sd cards - on with standard raspbmc which loads and runs linux from the sd card...the second one is the sd card that runs the cmdline.txt file that you sent me the link for above.  When booting to the standard sd card the nfs export from unraid is not mounting.  If everything is working correctly I should be able to browse to the nfs folder and see the files on unraid share which I am not able to do...your link above will help me when I move to the second step which is running raspbmc on the unraid nfs share.


My issue has to do with permissions...if you look at the first link in the thread there are instructions for mapping users in freenas and another nas product...I think this is where I am failing on permissions as Raspbmc boots with a user named pi...I found instructions on how to login as root and when I do that I am able to mount the nfs share. 



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To illustrate my post above here is the text from my telnet session...when logged in as root I see the folders?????  Also here is the settings of my export in unraid




login as: pi

[email protected]'s password:


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pi@raspbmc:~$ cd /media/nfs-raspbmc

-bash: cd: /media/nfs-raspbmc: Permission denied

pi@raspbmc:~$ su root


root@raspbmc:/home/pi# cd /media/nfs-raspbmc

root@raspbmc:/media/nfs-raspbmc# ls

bin  dev  home  media  opt  root  sbin    selinux  srv  tmp  var

boot  etc  lib  mnt    proc  run  scripts  splash  sys  usr

root@raspbmc:/media/nfs-raspbmc# su pi

pi@raspbmc:/media/nfs-raspbmc$ ls

ls: cannot open directory .: Permission denied



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There are some changes to be made on the unraid side for the nfs exports and some changes to the pi side to make it work.  Google produced a few hits, and this is one of them.  You will need to edit the unraid exports file for permission restrictions (or perhaps a there is a way to do it through the GUI?) and also edit the pi cmd text file for the proper unRaid Linux distro nfs syntax.  Easy way to start is to do a general nfs mount from the pi.  Verify it works then configure it for nfs boot which there are many Google hits detailing the process - just have to use the proper commands for unraid distro.  Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Sorry for the long delay in response.  I spent a lot of time reading through your links.  I am not sure what fixed my problem, but here is what happened:  I set my unraid nfs exports to: *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) based on one of your links above.  In the mean time the final version of Raspbmc came out.  I deleted all existing files in my Raspbmc NFS share on unraid and then I downloaded the new installer from raspbmc, selected the options for setting up manual internet (wired connection, static ip, etc.) and for NFS install and had the installer prepare the sd card.  The raspberry pi then booted, and installed Raspbmc on the NFS share so everything is working.


So unfortunately I am not sure what fixed the issue, but am happy that it is working! 

Thanks for all your help!!!



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