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Shutting down, says drive related but all test perfect....

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Really getting to be a bit much with unRAID, this is only the last of many, many problems over the last few days....


the server is now just shutting down and rebooting during file transfers....


Please any help I can get would be great...am looking into more thorough and practical back up solutions tonight, but I need the data...


Am I better off transfering it all of a little at a time, or trying to move everything thier own drives so I can restart all over?


thanks in advance


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Wow, my guess is you need to start the array in maintaince mode and run reiserfs -check on all the disks. If all is corrected and fine. Then run a parity check, make sure it's fine.


Once these 2 things are completed successfully, you should upgrade to RC11 as your on RC5.


Do yourself a favor and shutdown/stop from loading the Plex plugin you have running at this time until you complete the above as well as the upgrade. Follow the RC10/11 upgrade instructions.


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This is what I have done and the errors have followed:


1. I precleared a 3 TB WD-AV drive (Ihad to do it on a different system or the dreaded IRQ16 bug killed the preclear) replaced the 2TB parity with it.

2. rebuilt my parity drive.

3. Precleared the 2TB and added it to my array.

4. Upgraded from 8 GB (2 x 4gb) 1333mhz to 16 GB (2 x 8gb) 1866mhz (I did make sure these are both on the mobo's support list)


At this time all seemed normal

A while later (I was out so I can only approximate), the parity check started, when I got back the server had errored and restarted, it showed an error for unclean shutdown.


In order to get it to run without errors I backtraced everything I did #3 and I am now back to where I started, save I now have a 3TB parity drive and at this time I am running another parity check (scheduled to be done 2/28 at mid day).


Since the errors and multiple shutdowns I have stress tested the power supply, mobo, memory and the 2TB HDD, they all passed without incident.


I am wondering if the secondary controller (which originally only had a SSD 120gb cache/app drive on it, is actually the culprit as I dont think the powersupply could be over burdened (750w (60A) single rail PC/P&C Quad black edition). Especially since all this started happening after adding a sata III drive to the same controller.

This controller is also on IRQ16 along with some of the USB ports and could very well have just over taxed the controller just by loading data on to it.


I am replacing the mobo tomorrow sometime with a higher end board, slightly faster CPU and more memory...hoping the same thing doesnt happen


Again as always, all help is greatly appreciated here.


Thank you,









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Your jumping around, instead of troubleshoot where you were, you swapped out the parity drive.

Now my understanding is you will be swapping out the MB, CPU and more memory, you had 8GB, now moved to 16GB and now with the new board even more, what for?


But what u believe to be the culprit, the controller card, will that be added to the new MB? What is the controller card? Your giving very little details and keep jumping around. So you don't really want help, just possible vent. Good luck. Hope it all works out.


P.S. I don't know of any controller card, even if it fails will cause your system to reboot. Halt, crash yes but reboot??? I don't know.

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madburg, I think you missunderstood a little and I should have been a much clearer in my statement and put a timeline to this sequence of events.


Swapping the parity drive went fine all but having to preclear on another unraid system. I thought this was caused by lack of memory at first, but it turned out not to be the case (alternate memory was on hand). After the install all went great and seemed stable. it was another 24 hours before I added the 2TB drive back into the array, until then all seemed stable.


At that point I moved on thinking the problem could actually be the secondary controller or maybe even a power issue.


The motherboard & cpu are already mounted together (sort of a hand me up...lol) from another system, if all else fails I also have a new replacement for them both as well (16gb memory was for this mobo/cpu as possible upgrade for me or if I needed to use it for the server).


The "secondary controller" I spoke of is onboard on the mobo as I do not have indepndant controller cards. This is why if it indeed gets overtaxed it may trigger a reboot. Now I may have to end up getting a controller card since it seems this boards controllers may be the culprit of this and the aforementioned IRQ16 bug I was getting, but at this time I would much rather use the hardware I have on hand then purchase anything else new.


Thanks for your help,






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Nah I had already expected to do an upgrade on my home system for kicks, but I may end up using that for the server instead since it has an onboard 8 sata 6GB/s controller...the rest of it is a serious overkill but oh well....


But before I do that I have a slighlty higher end asus board I am trying (more current bios, i5 cpu, 16gb memory all running great) this still has onboard sata controllers, but I can at least be hopeful.


If not I will actually have to dump some money into a card...:(





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IF I am not mistaken, most people have very to no issue with onboard SATA, versus add-on cards. To get to larger amount of disk capacity one requires to purchase add on cards. Some swear by onboard SATA for Parity Drive, cache, etc... I have LSI cards and dont use the onboard at all, and dont think they are any slower or less stable (but thats just me).


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Well it is kind of the only thing that makes sense at this point (no matter how improbable...-SH) expecially since the irq16 error is that same controller (three things pointing  to controller error) I just don't know if too much of a draw would actually trigger a restart on this board, I am waiting for test results (testing as we I write).

I will probably replace the board anyway...and if the trouble goes away...lol.






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