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removing the cache drive

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In the past, when using plex server, I housed it on a 120GB SSD. I no longer use plex and no longer have anything pointed to the cache drive at all, since I transfer all of my data manually.


Is it just that I have to stop the array, remove the cache drive in the device status & then just unplug it and I'm done?


Is it that simple?


Thanks for responding, I searched but found nothing that applied to an unused cache drive

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It IS that simple, as already noted ==> but be SURE you don't have any cached shares that haven't yet been moved to the array.  If you look at the cache from Windows Explorer and it's empty, then yes, it's safe to simply stop the array; unassign the drive; and restart the array  :)

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As I stated earlier I do not have anything using it now and I never allowed shares to operate on it since I only did manual transfers.


However, I removed cache drive, all seemed fine, even copied files with no issues, but tonight a 5gb file went from 26mb/s down to 2mb/s and then 112kb/s and stalled completely.


So I attempted to do a parity check


No errors are showing but is this right?


2,930,266,532  KB

Current 357,908  (0.0%)

Speed 5,251  KB/sec

Finish 9433  minutes


154+ hours???


I haven't done it in a while but geez I may as well start over , I would be done quicker...lol


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...  tonight a 5gb file went from 26mb/s down to 2mb/s and then 112kb/s and stalled completely.


So I attempted to do a parity check


No errors are showing but is this right?


2,930,266,532  KB

Current 357,908  (0.0%)

Speed 5,251  KB/sec

Finish 9433  minutes



It may be technically correct (i.e. that may be the actual speed it's currently running at and the correct projected completion) ... but clearly it is NOT "right".  Something is clearly wrong.


Abort the check;  shut down;  confirm that all your cables are seated tightly (you may have "jiggled" one while removing the cache drive);  then reboot and start the parity check over.


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