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some advice on XBMC on UNraid before i move over...


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I have been using PLEX on my UNraid server for well over a year now and been very happy with it..EXCEPT, the devs do not seem to want to re-intergrate the trailer feature that was once part of PLEX...i have been following a thread thats a year old requesting this and not one dev has posted in there, im also not happy the way they are going with this 'plex pass' which is basically shutting the door in your face unless you pay a sub.


I previously used XBMC but wasnt wholly happy with it as it seemed buggy but i have heard that the trailer feature is standard and i also like the subtitles feature it has, is there a XBMC server that runs on unraid like PMS ??, i have also got CP,SB and SAB working seamlessly together with PMS and want the same for XBMC...another thing i didnt like about PLEX was that i had to have windows installed on the media box and its a pain in the arse starting it up and navigating to the PLEX button.


Please give me any advice or caveats you can think of.


many thanks.

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My trailers are locally stored and whats iOS ?? ::)... only joking...i wouldnt have an apple device in my house...hate everything they stand for 'puts on flame proof suit'...


Anyway..so its not possible to have XBMC libray running on my UNraid and then have XBMC running on the head ends that would update the library as new films are added..especially with SB which will notify (not sure if the head end needs to be on for that or whether it will do it once its turned on)

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Xbmc doesn't have a server component, save for a centralized database, which can exist on unraid.  The database tracks watched status (complete or partial) of TV and movies.


There is a stand alone library updater plugin for UnRaid that will do library updates, but as I don't use it,  I can't speak to how it works.


Sent from a phone, sorry for any typos


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As everyone has said xbmc is a client only program. No server component. You just tell it where you store your mediaand tthat's pretty much it. If you want a centralized database just install mysql on your unraid server and point your clients at the server for media and the database. Its insanely simple to setup and then it just works. I run two systems like this currently and have zero complaints and problems.

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another thing i didnt like about PLEX was that i had to have windows installed on the media box and its a pain in the arse starting it up and navigating to the PLEX button.



Windows as opposed to what? Linux? The replacement for Plex Media Center, Plex Home Theater, will support Linux.


Also, why do you have to launch Plex manually? Why don't you just have Plex Media Center launch on startup?

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I used MediaPortal for a couple of years and found it good. I preferred it over XBMC and the recent updates to MediaPortal are great. However not wanting to turn this into an XBMC vs MediaPortal thread.


I however switched over to Plex a few months ago and haven't looked back. The main features that made the decision for me were:

a) proper client-server architecture so no need to worry about how I keep multiple HTPCs updated.

b) ability to stream to mobile devices (in my case iOS iPads and iPhone).

c) ability to easily transcode on the fly and sync media for off-line viewing on my mobile devices. Great for when travelling overseas or flying/cruising.

d) it passes the wife ease of use test.


My biggest gripes at present with Plex (PMS and PHT) are:

a) currently doesn't support Netflix when running PMS on unRaid (not an issue per-se with Plex, more an issue with Netflix using Silverlight rather than HTML5 at present). I would however have liked PHT on Windows to support Netflix without considering PMS platform.

b) PHT cannot open web pages - would be nice for it to have a built in browser.

c) PMS/PHT don't readily support Movie bonus material e.g. Featurettes/Behind the scenes/deleted scenes etc. There are some workarounds but they are not ideal.


Overall though very pleased with PMS/PHT.




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another thing i didnt like about PLEX was that i had to have windows installed on the media box and its a pain in the arse starting it up and navigating to the PLEX button.



Windows as opposed to what? Linux? The replacement for Plex Media Center, Plex Home Theater, will support Linux.


Also, why do you have to launch Plex manually? Why don't you just have Plex Media Center launch on startup?


As opposed to just switching it on and not needing an OS..just starting PLEX by pressing the power button.


I'm personally using Plex Media Server for my server (on unraid) and then running OpenElec running PlexBMC to view the Media,  this gives me HD Audio and no need for windows or OS-X at the frontend.


Also Plex Media Server can transcode for my mobile android devices when I need that.


OpenElec is a live linux distro type thingy ? ::) is it difficult to install and how does it work with regard to graphics cards and CPU fan control etc ?? just that i notice when pc's dont have an operating system running, fans can be running at full tilt, however i do have a large silent cooler on mine.


Does PlexBMC work exactly as if you had PLEX on it and is it buggy, causes trouble ?


I used MediaPortal for a couple of years and found it good. I preferred it over XBMC and the recent updates to MediaPortal are great. However not wanting to turn this into an XBMC vs MediaPortal thread.


I however switched over to Plex a few months ago and haven't looked back. The main features that made the decision for me were:

a) proper client-server architecture so no need to worry about how I keep multiple HTPCs updated.

b) ability to stream to mobile devices (in my case iOS iPads and iPhone).

c) ability to easily transcode on the fly and sync media for off-line viewing on my mobile devices. Great for when travelling overseas or flying/cruising.

d) it passes the wife ease of use test.


My biggest gripes at present with Plex (PMS and PHT) are:

a) currently doesn't support Netflix when running PMS on unRaid (not an issue per-se with Plex, more an issue with Netflix using Silverlight rather than HTML5 at present). I would however have liked PHT on Windows to support Netflix without considering PMS platform.

b) PHT cannot open web pages - would be nice for it to have a built in browser.

c) PMS/PHT don't readily support Movie bonus material e.g. Featurettes/Behind the scenes/deleted scenes etc. There are some workarounds but they are not ideal.


Overall though very pleased with PMS/PHT.





Yep all those are staying reasons for me, except netflix, i just wish they would have the instant download feature of the subtitles and also the ability to play local trailers as i use CP to download them after a films completed.


When you say PHT you do mean the #PLEX player that you install on windows or MAC ? or is it like an OpenElec install but for PLEX ?

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OpenElec is a live linux distro type thingy ? ::) is it difficult to install and how does it work with regard to graphics cards and CPU fan control etc ?? just that i notice when pc's dont have an operating system running, fans can be running at full tilt, however i do have a large silent cooler on mine.


Does PlexBMC work exactly as if you had PLEX on it and is it buggy, causes trouble ?



OpenElec is a linux distribution yes,  its not difficult to install,  as for graphics card support obviously you need to pick one that is supported and that does HD Audio if you want that.  Fan control isn't a problem for me because I also chose a silent cooler and have a passively cooled nvidia graphics card.


Plexbmc isn't quite as slick as normal plex but beacuse you are running XMBC it gives you a little more flexibility with regards to media.

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I used MediaPortal for a couple of years and found it good. I preferred it over XBMC and the recent updates to MediaPortal are great. However not wanting to turn this into an XBMC vs MediaPortal thread.


I however switched over to Plex a few months ago and haven't looked back. The main features that made the decision for me were:

a) proper client-server architecture so no need to worry about how I keep multiple HTPCs updated.

b) ability to stream to mobile devices (in my case iOS iPads and iPhone).

c) ability to easily transcode on the fly and sync media for off-line viewing on my mobile devices. Great for when travelling overseas or flying/cruising.

d) it passes the wife ease of use test.


My biggest gripes at present with Plex (PMS and PHT) are:

a) currently doesn't support Netflix when running PMS on unRaid (not an issue per-se with Plex, more an issue with Netflix using Silverlight rather than HTML5 at present). I would however have liked PHT on Windows to support Netflix without considering PMS platform.

b) PHT cannot open web pages - would be nice for it to have a built in browser.

c) PMS/PHT don't readily support Movie bonus material e.g. Featurettes/Behind the scenes/deleted scenes etc. There are some workarounds but they are not ideal.


Overall though very pleased with PMS/PHT.





Yep all those are staying reasons for me, except netflix, i just wish they would have the instant download feature of the subtitles and also the ability to play local trailers as i use CP to download them after a films completed.


When you say PHT you do mean the #PLEX player that you install on windows or MAC ? or is it like an OpenElec install but for PLEX ?


The main 'Plex' client was rebranded 'Plex Home Theater' (PHT) in Dec 2012 to avoid confusion with Plex Media Server however 'Plex Home Theater' is in beta and available if you have a PlexPass subscription (well worth it in my view). If you do not have a PlexPass subscription then you need to use the older 'Plex' client.


PHT is build upon the Frodo XBMC 12.2 code base so includes additional features such as HD sound. I have both Plex and PHT installed as clients on my HTPC as they can co-exist. 99% of the time I use PHT and it has been very stable, I only switch to the older Plex client if I encounter an unexpected 'feature' which as mentioned is rare.







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My two cents worth here.


I use XBMC.  I use to use Boxee, that is until they stopped developing for every os Except the Boxee Box  :-\:(>:(


I use XBMC now for both TV shows and movies.  I have separate shares for both on Unraid.  I do not have a central database for my xbmc install but right now I only have one machine using it.  For me I have a sickbeard server to access TV show content.  It retrieves the show and transfers it to XBMC.  XBMC updates automatically by scanning for new content upon startup, it takes only a minute or two.


Same for movies.  When I add a movie from my DVD or BlueRay collection I will encode with MakeMKV.  Then I use Media Center Master (another program) which creates the necessary folders and downloads all the meta data to the Unraid server (movie share) for XBMC.  When I start XMBC, It will then update itself with the added movie information and then I can watch it.


The really cool part of XBMC is an addin called Cinema Experience.  This is really a movie night add-in for when you have guests over.  I can queue up a movie or two and have this addin run and it displays trivia, movie quizzes, advertizements (pre downloaded on to unraid) and current trailers from youtube, just like you were at the movie theater.  You can even have it control automation, like lowering the screen, dimming the lights, opening up a curtain, lowering the shades.  Really a cool add in.  You can add this to XBMC at no cost.


Yes you can add central database capabilities, XBMC forums are great for that.


No XBMC DOES NOT run on top of unraid.  When it comes to my network everything is client-server based.  For example, I can use a RasberryPI running Rasbmc OS and with a little tweaking hear and there add a system that displays my media in no time using XBMC.  I would then probably start using the central database features of XBMC to keep everything in sync.  BUT one XBMC system MUST update the database by scanning for new content.  That is how XBMC is updated.  Again the scan only takes a minute or two, and its done.


XBMC has a real steep learning curve.  There are somethings that need to be configured, and they are in odd places.  XBMC is fully skin-able, as well as fully customizable.  I use the Transparancy! skin which features the display of fan art as the background while you select your movies.


It took me about a day after I installed it to really get comfortable with XBMC.  I am still learning how to use it.  For me, XBMC has really been a great asset to our media watching experience and I have been real happy with it.  With some configuration, XBMC has been able to adapt nicely to what I want it to do.


I would run XBMC in a fully linux OS environment.  My problem is Netflix and their use of Silverlight for DRM.  Silverlight only runs on Windows machines.  Which means if I use a RasberryPi, I wont be able to watch Netflix on it.


-- Sideband Samurai

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My trailers are locally stored and whats iOS ?? ::)... only joking...i wouldnt have an apple device in my house...hate everything they stand for 'puts on flame proof suit'...


Anyway..so its not possible to have XBMC libray running on my UNraid and then have XBMC running on the head ends that would update the library as new films are added..especially with SB which will notify (not sure if the head end needs to be on for that or whether it will do it once its turned on)


You want to look into virtualisation. Run unRAID in a VM and then openELEC or something an another, problem solved. Still no transcoding but that's what air video is for.

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