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unMenu Disk Management, smartctl without "-d ata" HOW?


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I have some disks on one of my LSI 9210-8i and can't get smartctl to work in the unMenu "Disk Management" page.  This seems to be because when a smartctl button is pressed in the "Disk Management" page the command is given with the -d ata argument.  This will not work for drives on an LSI controller because the drives are seen as scsi not ata.


For example, if I press the button for a short smart test unMenu send the command:


smartctl -t short -d ata /dev/sdc


and then I get the error:


Read Device Identity failed: Invalid argument


A mandatory SMART command failed: exiting. To continue, add one or more '-T permissive' options.


If I connect to Tower through telnet and simply type:


smartctl -a /dev/sdc


Then I get a complete smart report.


How can I change unMenu to leave out the -d ata argument?




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Thanks for your reply.


Unfortunately I had already done as you suggested.  I added the "smartopt -A" to the "My Main" "Disk Configuration" page.  This did allow for me to see the temperatures in My Main, but it does not seem to carry over to the unMenu "Disk Management" page.  The two pages must be getting their configurations for arguments from different areas.


If you have any other ideas I will be happy to try.


Kind regards,


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The unMenu "Disk Management" page is handled by file "09-unmenu-disk_mgmt.awk" in your unmenu directory.  You would need to edit this file and remove all instances of "-d ata" and add the following line to the top of the file to prevent the file from being overwritten by the update process:




I'd also recommend run the update process before making changes to make sure you have the latest version of unmenu.

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The unMenu "Disk Management" page is handled by file "09-unmenu-disk_mgmt.awk" in your unmenu directory.  You would need to edit this file and remove all instances of "-d ata" and add the following line to the top of the file to prevent the file from being overwritten by the update process:




I'd also recommend run the update process before making changes to make sure you have the latest version of unmenu.

Thanks, that worked perfectly.


I wish there were a way in unMenu to schedule smart tests and then have the results emailed.  I'd really like to have a smart test run on each drive daily at around 4:00 AM.


Thanks again,


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