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Does unRAID benefit from multiple NICs?


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...well, technically unRAID does only support a single NIC...if you want NIC teaming, you'll have to tweak this yourself.


Then, at first - assuming GBit speed for the first NIC - unRAID will in most UseCases not use up this bandwidth, as a single stream is limited to he performance of the disk it is read from.

Secondly, a teamed NIC will not enhance the bandwidth for a single connection, if will deliver a benefit for concurrent connections only.


So, if you run a setup where you have a lot of clients, accessing different files at once/concurrently, you *might* have a benefit.

If you want more speed for a single connection (and if you have an array made of SATA3 SSDs), you'd better go for a single 10GB NIC

(but again, unRAID does not come with a driver for these).


Edit: support will depend on your unRAID version you are running...check the features of 5.04 release if an upgrade will deliver what you need.

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Interface bonding is supported in the official release of unRAID. Different modes are supported.


If I remember correctly, the driver for Intel 10G is included, but then again I might be wrong.


...good to know. Thanks.

So for users on older versions there is an upgrade path which makes things more simple for sure.

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It is worth pointing out as it is not immediately obvious unless you just know.... even if you bond NICs a single client session is limited to the speed of one NIC. To use more bandwith you need multiple clients and/or sessions.


Bonding is cool but most people dont need it. It is great that it is there for those that do.



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