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Dropping the hammer on an AOC-SASLP-MV8

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About to order my first controller to add drives to my server.


Have seen a lot of posts about this one, lots of success stories.


However in the sticky/FAQ there is talk about newer versions needing firmware and/or other modifications.


I know the IBM/LSI M-something-or-ther (M1505?  I don't remember) needed firmware stuff, and that wasn't possible on all motherboards.


I would like to add 8 drives to my system with a minimal amount of fuss. 


Just making sure the MV8 is still on the favorites list -- any major issues to know about before I buy?  Anyone purchased on recently (I'm using Newegg) and got a version that didn't require any firmware stuff before using?



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I have the AOC-SAS2LP-MV8 (2 actually) which work great. Flashing the BIOS is no big deal and is something I would do upon purchase regardless of whether it's an UnRAID requirement or not. I think there is an INT13 setting that is suggested as well, but all told you are looking at 5-7 mins of work.


I wouldn't be scared off by the requirement for a few minutes of effort. Find the card that makes sense for requirements and budget and go with it.


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