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Stream Blu Ray content


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I have been using UnRAID for a few months now to store and play my Blu Ray movies.  Recently I have been having problems playing the movies because they sometimes stutter.  I am using an HTPC with TMT for playing and MyMovies for displaying.  I believe that the performance of my UnRAID server is up to par with what other people have been reporting.  I was wondering if there was a way I could stream the content off the server instead of accessing it directly as I am now and this might stop the stuttering issues I have.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  This might also be a great new application for UnRAID to become a Streaming Media Server to server all media content including music and photos.  I already use the server for all my media needs, but I plan to add an HTPC in every room and give the entire family access.  Right now I just use the living room and my personal computer as access points. I am a total newbie to Linux, but I have been messing around with PC's since the old TRS-80 days.


If this post should be on a different topic, please let me know.

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I have done everything I could think of to try to resolve the stuttering problem.   For my HTPC I am using a MSI 7411 Motherboard with on an on board GBit with the latest driver and for my unRAID I am using a Abit 9 Pro with its onboard GBit nic.


I have gone through my HTPC and made every update mentioned to make the network faster, but I am still getting the same problem.


I found the solution to my problem:  http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=3391.15

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It's my own opinion that most stuttering is caused by local resource conflicts or inadequate drivers/codecs/players/mixers or incorrect local configuration, all on the playback machine.  The first thing I would do is copy a test movie to the same machine, and play it back from there, locally.  That allows you to eliminate the network and network servers.  One of the most common sources of stuttering is background processes demanding CPU time.  Have you added any new background processes lately, such as a new antivirus or anti-spyware tool or desktop search tool?


Edit:  Apparently you have started another thread about the same thing, and others are helping there.  I've only said what they have already suggested.  For the sake of others, the link to the other thread is:  http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=3344.

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