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[ Solved ]New system supermicro x9scl various problems


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Hi All,

I am building my 1st unraid box. I am having issues with ipmi iKVM terminal not connecting. It's sporadic. It's worked 3 times in about 40 attempts. Also with the ipmi and unraid, anytime I try to access unraid, I get the ipmi instead.


Please help direct me to where I can find the info to remedy this.


EDIT: Sorry, I just noticed that I put this post under v6. Can Admin move this to the appropriate folder. Thanks.


Thank you.


Unraid v5.0.5

Supermicro x9SCL+-F-O


1 stick 8G Kingston 8GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM ECC Unbuffered 1600 w/TS Model KVR16E11/8

Java V6U17


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Are you accessing it from a mac or win pc? I use the java version on the mac and it works fine most of the time. It can be a bit hard to setup for new users. I have two network cables going from my X9SCM-iF to my router, one to the dedicated IPMI port and one to one of my two network ports. I use a fixed IP on the BMC on my Supermicro motherboard. IPMI and KVM is not part of anything to do with unRAID but I can help you set it up as can quite a few other users on the forum.

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Here's more info...

I was able to upgrade my ipmi to 3.19. I'd like to upgrade my bios but need a "window" into the box to perform this. I'm running headless. One time I did get into the bios and noticed there was no headless enable selection(which I've read that I need enabled). That's why I'd like to upgrade the bios, there is a newer one available. But having iKVM connect only once in a great while, I can't accomplish this.


Being new to this, I don't understand how I'm to browse into UnRaid if the IPMI intercepts the browse attempt. I found another network cable and now have two again.


I've tried a telnet session with no success. I guess that means that UnRaid is not running. The USB stick is a LexMark and on one occasion saw UnRaid booted.


TIA for any help, casmith

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Being new to this, I don't understand how I'm to browse into UnRaid if the IPMI intercepts the browse attempt.
Think of IPMI as another computer. It has its own IP address, and doesn't effect what's actually booted on the system at all. So... when you turn on the power, the IPMI computer gets an IP address, and can be used like a KVM switch with long cables. The system that is booting up has no connection to the IPMI, it will get another IP address and show up as a separate machine on the network. So, if you are accessing IPMI at for example, unraid may get the next IP in line, maybe... depending on how unraid and your router are configured.


If you are using DHCP for your addresses, you should be able to log into your router and see assigned addresses for both the IPMI and unraid, even if they are both hooked up with the same cable.


For ease of management, I would either set an assigned IP in your router so both the IPMI MAC and the main machines MAC are always at the same address but still using DHCP, or you can statically set the IP for either or both parts of the server using the BIOS for the IPMI address and unraid's network configuration setting in the webgui.

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Okay I have had a look at the motherboard and its similar to mine. Connect the network cable from your router to the port near the PS2 mouse, thats the dedicated IPMI port. Download IPMI View, the java based version. Go to discover IPMI device, then click on the detect button and select what looks like a normal IP address and scan. it should bring up an IP address for your IPMI BMC chip on the motherboard, if not then you need to plug the cable into the network port nearest to this one and below as dedicated port is not setup in your BMC chip on the motherboard. once in you need to go to BMC setting and click on dedicated and update. That tells the IPMI chip you are using the dedicated IPMI network port on the motherboard. Forget unraid for now you need to get into the IPMI of the server first. for reference though the LAN port 2 the furthest from the one you are plugged into is the network port you need to connect to the router for unraid but leave it out for now. Once dedicated is selected you can make sure the network cable goes into the dedicated IPMI port near the PS2 mouse port. I know this is a long message but I could only get unRAID working using two network cables, one for the IPMI to use the KVM and one for the unRAID server, i.e. the webGui.

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Thanks for the suggestions!

I have done the following:

1) I got attached with IPMIViewer

2) Searched and found the IPMI

3) Edited BMC to dedicated and static IP(non-DHCP)

4) Checked the router and see two wired devices


I am connected to the IPMI with the IPMIViewer.


So far so good. What's next?



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Okay save the configuration under file and name it Tower or Server. This is your way to get a screen and keyboard for your server. Login with username ADMIN and password ADMIN I think thats the default. Then go to the bottom and far right tab KVM console. This is your screen connected to the server. Make sure the other network cable goes from router to the far end network port, furthest from the one now connected, LAN 2. That connects your server to the router and network. If you boot unraid you should see all the loading stuff in the KVM and be able to use your muse and keyboard. I went into the super micro bios and setup a fixed ip for my server as well so its easier when I connect devices on the network to it. I think its the delete key on boot of the server to get into the bios.

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Alright, I have saved the config and started the KVM console. Then, I went to the IPM Device tab and pressed the "Power On" button. The On indicator shows it's now on. I see nothing in the console screen. It shows "No Signal" at the top. I think it's the difference between your Mac and my PC. The screen doesn't show it but I'm guessing that UnRaid is running.

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When you boot up you should see the bios screen come up on the KVM console screen, if not then the ipmi is not connecting and you need to try and scan for the ip again. You will always see the boot up screen unless something is wrong with your system.if your on dedicated in the Bmc and in the KVM and have scanned and selected the IP address that it finds then something is wrong. You can download the supermicro IPMI user guide.

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You need to know the IP address of the WebGui. You can check your router to see what up address has been assigned to the unraid server or edit one of the files on the flash drive to set a fixed ip. I done this by using the wiki guide or maybe it was info on the forum, it was a long time ago so I'm not sure. Or temp connect a monitor to the server to check it's booting. It's all on the wiki guide but I'm suspect as to your system is even booting if you can turn it on from ipmi but get no signal on the KVM screen. You can enter tower into your web browser on the network and see if you can login to the WebGui.

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For IPMI to work it needs to be in its "ipmi" port.

Once Launch the software you can click on the magnifying glass to search your network.


You can get the official software from supermicro



IPMI is all I use to connect to my server and don't have any issues. I can power the server on or off and also view KVM as well.


Also the webGui will only work as well if it is plugged into the IPMI port.


So the port by the PS/2 port.  In order for you to have both IPMI and regular access you need 2 Ethernet cables plugged in. One in IPMI and the other in the regular port. Both however can be plugged into the same switch



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If you are using DHCP for your addresses, you should be able to log into your router and see assigned addresses for both the IPMI and unraid, even if they are both hooked up with the same cable.
Sorry if this mislead you, some Supermicro boards share the IPMI port with one of the LAN ports, but demonmaestro is right, for your board you need 2 cables going to your switch.
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Thanks for that info. I think I've followed along with all of the guidance and am at the point that the console doesn't work. But, if I can get Unraid up to the browser, I can continue at that level. I don't have a monitor/keyboard at this time(on vacation). I've just upgraded UnRaid to v6b8 hoping to get it up and running. I have the two cables in but still no network connection on the OS side.

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Have you ever had this system booted or running before? changing to unraid v6 won't make a difference if the server is not booting. Tell me the IP address when you select detect, from discover IPMI device?

I think you should forget unraid for the moment and try and connect via the KVM so you can verify to us that it boots, i.e. you can get into the bios. You did reboot the server and restart IPMI after selecting dedicated in the IPMI.

Are you using the java version of ipmi viewer?. Not the windows program that you load, I could get this to work on my friends machine. Only the java version for windows worked.

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--Have you ever had this system booted or running before?--

Yes, the KVM has worked about 3 times in the last 5 days. On the 1st occasion, I saw it boot to the tower prompt. The second I got into the bios and looked for the headless enable selection. The last, after I made a bootable DOS UBS that brought me to the DOS prompt. So, the first time I tried it, it worked. Then not for the next 10 times. I read that maybe the Java version 7 was not compatible. I removed Java 7 and installed 6U17. It worked again once. Then the last time, I removed Java 6U17 and reinstalled. It worked. Then I tried clearing the Java cache/temp files. No go. I wanted to get the DOS USB to work so I could upgrade my BIOS so that maybe, the headless selection would be available. But only once did I see a DOS prompt and that time I didn't have the files for the BIOS on the USB.

--Tell me the IP address when you select detect, from discover IPMI device?--

--You did reboot the server and restart IPMI after selecting dedicated in the IPMI.--

Yes, the dedicated and unselected DHCP remains even after a power down/up.

--Are you using the java version of ipmi viewer?--

I have tried the tab all the way to the right and I have tried the Web based Remote Control Redirect Console. When I use the browser, it shows Java 7 just before the console window.


When the right most tab is used and the console comes up, the following is displayed at the top...Java iKVM Viewer v1.69 r14 [] - No Signal


Then, with no USB in, I go to the IPM Device tab where it shows Firmware revision 3.19 and IPMI Revision 2.0, ACPI System Power State S5/G2, power indicator=Off. I then press the soft Power Up button. After 13 seconds, the power indicator=On and ACPI System Power State S0/G0. The iKVM console does not change, still No Signal.


I appreciate the time you've spent helping on this, casmith







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Here are two screen shots of my IPMI, One shows the KVM and the command line with it post reading a 6TB Disk, the second shows the IP address thats static in the super micro motherboard BIOS and the gateway IP which is my router admin IP.

It may be worth trying DHCP and updating it if you haven't setup a static IP in the motherboard BIOS yet. Its just strange you have nothing on the KVM. Have you tried logging into the super micro Webgui. you just enter the IP of the IPMI into a web browser and use ADMIN and ADMIN to login? See last screenshot.




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Here is my webgui showing the KVM console image. does it show a black screen? I would try logging in to the IPMI and open up the KVM console, reboot the server and watch the KVM console window to see on boot if you get the supermicro bios screen loading.

You have other option such as selecting the on board Lan instead of the dedicated and try using one of the Lan ports instead of the dedicated to get the KVM working. Whenever I used the on board Lan setting and Lan 1, I could see the KVM console but couldn't log into the webgui as well. I followed the recommendations of another unRAID user who said with bare metal unraid you must use the dedicated port for the IPMI and Lan 2 for the server connection to the network, i.e. for the WebGui. Until you can get your KVM console to work i.e. see the supermicro bios and PXE loading screens come up on boot you should forget about unraid because you can run anything from the command line.


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I can use the Webgui. I have the preview window that is always white. I press the refresh, the button grays then back to normal. I have press the power on on that screen and nothing happens.


I have logged into the IPMI and opened up the KVM and rebooted and ... the console stays black and No Signal.


I'll look at assigning the other Lan port for KVM, Thanks

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