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very slow preclear


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Myself personally I preclear outside my array with a different system, then add the drive to my array, but that is just my method. That way I know the one task is being done without any other potential tasks running with it. (i.e. maybe the issue of the hang up you are having)


I can't advise to stop or cancel the preclear as I am not 100% sure to what would happen with the disk, perhaps one of the more experienced people can assist if it OK to stop and start over. If you are going to, perhaps try my recommendation if you have a spare system. Being a mac user, you may not, silly mac :-p (not making fun, you like what you like)


Hope you get it figured out, sorry I could not shed some more light on the matter.

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One thing which provide additional information would be a SYSLOG which then can be analyzed by one of the many experts.  (I am not one!)  The information on how to capture a SYSLOG is in the first post of this thread




Since you are Telnet'ing into your server, you may possibly kill the preclear process IF you are not running screen.  (If you are using screen, you can open a new session and type the command line there.)  If you have a monitor and keyboard connected to your server, you may be able to get a command line prompt by using them. 

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After doing a little research it appears that aborting a pre clear won't cause any problems. I've decided to abort and re-start from scratch. Better than waiting a couple of weeks for this step to complete. Looks like it may have worked, step 1 of cycle 1 is running at 136 MB/s.

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