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problem upgrading from 5.x to 6.0


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I have always kept up to date without problems, followed instructions on the read me to the letter...i have tried to go to unraid 6.0...i was previously on 5 so i backed up my flash, then installed 6 as if it were a new flash drive then copied over my config folder from 5 just like it said in readme..i overwrote everything, i now cant get to the webgui, i can log in via telnet and i cant access unmenu either, i can only see the flash drive, its like the array has not come online..not sure what i have missed.

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Hmm.  Didn't tell me that in the readme,  maybe I should have known it but I joined unpaid in the early beta 5.0 phase. Does this mean that some things won't have been ported to v.6 yet.. ie sabnzb,  sickbeard,  plex ???

All of those are available as docker containers (which is the recommended v6 way of handling add-ons).
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