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what would make the virtual disk go SLOW?


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I just started a windows VM, and it's taken more than 10 minutes to 'start'.  It looked like it was hung, but I am working on something else, so I just left it as a 'problem for another time'.


Well, it's SLOOOOOOOWWWWWLY moving forward.  the 4 colored 'balls' that move around to make the windows logos didn't even show up for a few minutes, then when I looked again, there were 2.  Now, after almost 15 minutes the colored windows logo looks complete, but it's still effectively stuck at "Starting Windows".


So, it's "working", but just really, really slowly.


Since it's a virtual drive, I can't think of any reason this could happen.  it's a qcow2 image, and the last time I started this VM, it started and ran normally.


Is there something I can check, or provide to help get to the bottom of this very weird situation?

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My experiencie with write speeds in my setup was posted here:http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=34301.0

I have a dedicated SSD for my vm´s "virtual disks" (.qcow2). It is mounted outside the array. I don´t notice any performance hit while in windows. But transfering files between a standalone pc, another unraid, and the actual unraid-kvm has been not consistent. I havnet added a parity disk yet.

What is your setup?


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