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[SOLVED] array not starting after updating from 6.0 beta9 to 6.0 beta12


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Hi all,


I updated my working test server from 6.0 beta9 to beta12 by coping the files:

  • bzroot
  • bzimage
  • xen
  • readme.txt

Via the 'flash' share on the server and then rebooting the server.

The Pro.key file is in the /boot/config folder.


Now the array will not start anymore.

Attached is my syslog

Any help is appreciated.


edit: I just saw that i am now running the Basic version of unpaid instead of the Pro version.

so looks like key file is not recognised ....

already renamed the .key file from Pro.key to pro.key but that does not make any difference.


edit: changed typo in path to Pro.key file





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Sorry made a typo in the path for the Pro.key file, it is already located in the /root/config folder.


It was there already when i was running the 6.0beta9 version, that version was working OK.


The version 6.0beta12 is not seeing my key file i guess, i don't know why?




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Unfortunatly now windows available here.


I have put the 'old' beta9 files i replaced back and the array is starting and happy again.


Hope someone has an idee what the problem can be?


Can i download versions beta 10 and beta 11 somewhere so i can seen if they are working or not?

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I can confirm what you are saying from your syslog, the system is working fine, the flash drive seems good, and files from it are being loaded correctly, EXCEPT that it cannot find a valid key file.

* The first thing you need to do is what bonienl suggested, make sure the FAT file system on the drive is fine.  If you have no access to a Windows machine at all, then can you try to find the Mac equivalent, a Check Disk or scandisk or fsck for FAT/FAT32?  Or perhaps a full Linux system with that fsck?  I wouldn't do anything else until you can trust your flash drive.

* This is me just trying to be thorough - your subsequent post about fixing the typo in the key file location indicated "located in the /root/config folder".  Can you confirm once more that it's in the "/boot/config" folder, not the "/root/config" folder?

* If the above don't work, then perhaps there's a hidden character in the name (a space at the end?).  Try copying it from a backup from the past.

* Perhaps it has become corrupted, try copying from a good backup.

* The only other idea I can think of is that it has somehow been blacklisted in the newest release.  Email Tom about that, with your flash drive GUID.

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