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Unresponsive system v6b12


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Sometime around 2am on 12/17/2014, my unRAID server running v6b12 stopped responding. Connecting to the webGUI is refused, and when I telnet in it tells me it connects to the server but hangs at

Escape character is '^]'.

. I turned on the monitor at it shows

Welcome to Linux 3.17.4-unRAID (tty1)

StrongBad  login: stat: cannot stat '/usr/local/emhttp/mnt/user/TimeMachine-Jason/*': No such file or directory
getfattr: /usr/local/emhttp/mnt/user/TimeMachine-Jason/*: No such file or directory


I can type in text, but no commands are accepted. No idea what went wrong. The server had been up for around 6-7 days. The share TimeMachine-Jason was removed several days ago, I have no idea how long the message was on the screen. Hitting Ctrl-alt-delete does nothing. I don't see any indication of disk activity.

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I had a similar issue... Was more annoying though due to the fact that I was attempting to preclear drives when noted.


I found that I could still access my plex media server from my Roku and cell phone.


Have you tried plugging in a usb keyboard to your actual server? I did that and it was unresponsive, but left it plugged in and some time later tried again and the keyboard worked. 


I was able to issue a reboot command for clean reboot from the command line.

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