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UPS Shutdown


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We just had a power loss, and everything has come back up fine.  How do I tell if the UPS successfully shut down the server?  Doesn't it usually run a parity check right off if there was a unclean shutdown?  no parity check started here.




**mods, i accidentally stuck this in ver 6 support.  Please move if you can

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It depends how long the power was off for, if it was only off for a few minutes then it would not have shutdown. The default time is run for 5 minutes on Battery. If it was longer than that then it must have shutdown. I have my server bios set to not restart after a power failure but you must have it set to restart, unless you done it manually. There is an advanced info section in the APC plugin that shows you information about the last shutdown. If after a restart it didn't run a parity check then it must be okay. I tested mine by unplugging the UPS from the mains while watching the unraid command and it shows it stopping and unloading the array, and then shutting down.

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Sorry, left this one a little confusing.  The power was off for hours and i know the server shut down. 


What i wanted to figure out is if it just died or if the UPS shut it down clean.  I think mine is set to turn off when the batteries are at 30%. 

I was thinking if the battery died a parity check would have run at startup.  That did not occur.

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