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Network issues on H340

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I have an old Acer H340 that was sitting collecting dust, so I want to put unraid on it to play with.

I tried both V5 and v6, with similiar issues, namely I can't get an ip.  A lot of others on the board have been able to get it going, so I'm looking for some troubleshooting help.

In V5, the error I get with the ifconfig eth0 is that it gives me a mac address, and tells me "UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST", rx packets 0, but 0 for everything else also

TX packets are 8, and all the other results are 0.  The whole time this is happening, the lights on the enet jack look like normal, the green is flashing constantly, the orange light is constantly on.

In V6, I get similiar results, but with more TX packets sent




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I've now also picked up a Linksys USB3GIG (usb to ethernet adapter), same type of results, the activity light on the port goes nuts, as does the network activity light on the front of the unit, but never gets an ip address.

One thing that I noticed, even when the USB adapter is installed, I only see eth0, and it shows the same mac address, so I'm guessing it's not loading the drivers for it.

The same thing happens on v5 and v6

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Is there any way to get a log of what is happening during bootup so I can figure out what the issue is?

I can get to root and run commands.

less /var/log/syslog

will let you page through your syslog

cp /var/log/syslog /boot/syslog.txt

will copy the syslog to your flash drive then you can put it in another computer and examine it or post it to the forum.

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Here's the 2 logs, I'm a Linux Newb, so not really sure what I should be looking for.

Remembering back, the reason I quit using this server was that it crashed when doing a disk balance on a long weekend, and after that, I would get an error even when reset to factory defaults about data encryption when doing an RDP within a second of establishing a connection.  I restored the box again tonight, with the same error.


If no one can see anything obvious in the logs, I'll blame it on the hardware being defective and toss the box.  If anyone can see what the issue is, I'd love to try and get it going as a small backup server for stuff that doesn't need to be mixed in with the large one I'm building.


This is the USB to Ethernet adapter I picked up to test with.




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  • 2 weeks later...

No ideas from anyone??  Not even as to why the USB adapter wasn't recognized?

Because unraid is loaded completely into RAM from a USB memory stick, device drivers of all sorts are included on an as needed basis to save space and load time. This means that hardware not typically used as an unraid server doesn't have drivers included. If enough people want to use a specific device, Tom will add the drivers into the build. I can't find the thread right now, but a specific USB LAN adapter was added to one of the later betas, but if your stick doesn't use the same chipset, it won't work. If you really want to use this specific box, I would recommend adding a cheap internal LAN card that is known to work.


Here is a thread for some cards known to work. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=12903.0

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