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All files in share disappeared


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Hey guys, first off thanks for the awesome community.


I'm running 6.0b9 and today I have 6 shares set up (Movies, TV, Downloads, etc...) and I went to move something onto the "Downloads" share before allowing it to fully load the folder (on OSX Yosemite through SMB) and after it "finished" I looked into the share and there was NOTHING there.  Not just missing the file I tried to transfer, but it was actually missing all the files that were there before. 


I tried rebooting everything and the problem still persists.  Then I went into the individual drives and found that the "Downloads" folder was still in each of them, so I tried to drag and drop that folder back into the empty "Downloads" share, but when I try that it says that the folder already exists and asks if I'd like to overwrite it.  I said no for the time being. 


I then went into the unRAID web interface and looked at the downloads share through the web file browser - the "Downloads" share has an orange circle next to it and when I try to browse the files, it's completely empty through that interface as well. 


I'm not really sure what happened, and all the other shares seem to be fine, but any help would be appreciated.  Should I just drag everything back over?  Should I duplicate it to another drive first then restore it?  Is there a trick for restoring the pointers?



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I tried rebooting everything and the problem still persists.  Then I went into the individual drives and found that the "Downloads" folder was still in each of them, so I tried to drag and drop that folder back into the empty "Downloads" share, but when I try that it says that the folder already exists and asks if I'd like to overwrite it.  I said no for the time being. 

Did you do something like this when you said

I went to move something onto the "Downloads" share before allowing it to fully load the folder (on OSX Yosemite through SMB) and after it "finished"

Because what you started to do after the reboot (1st quote) sounds alot like this: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=34480.0

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Thanks for the link Squid, but no, I didn't try that.  I think I've found the culprit.  There's a bad drive that I'm currently trying to trouble shoot. 


It wasn't throwing errors in the main array view, but I discovered that Mover was throwing a "read-only" error while trying to write to it for the last week. 


There were file system problems and it requested a rebuild-tree (which I did) but once I rebuilt the tree, I checked the filesystem again and it still requested that I rebuild the tree. 


So now I'm moving everything off of that drive (thankfully I currently have enough space) and I'm going to replace it with a new drive.  Now, if anyone would care to help me on this issue: Should I replace the drive and simply have it rebuild, or will that preserve the messed up filesystem?  Should I remove the drive from the array, rebuilt the parity, then add the new drive as new?


Edit: Upon re-reading the link, Squid, it sounds similar to what is going on with me, but while I think that may have been my problem while trying to restore the files to the download share, I don't think that's related to them disappearing in the first place.  The original move when I noticed the problem came from when I moved a file from the internal harddrive on my mac into the "Downloads" share.  What I mean by "fully loading the folder" was that I opened the folder and it hadn't yet listed the contents of the folder.  It was still working on loading the contents and I dragged the file into the blank folder as the little "loading" icon still spun in the bottom corner. 


There's also a good chance the problem had occurred before now, and I'm only just now noticing as it is a share I don't commonly use.  Anyhow, there wasn't a lot of data in the share, and none of it terribly important, so I'm going to move it out, delete the share, replace the bad drive, cross my fingers, and start over.  I was just hoping maybe it was a small, common mistake that would be easily fixed.  Looks like I'm not so lucky.


Thanks for the help.

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