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Kodi Headless + MariaDB + HTPC = Brain Pain


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Hi, I have a strange problem and I guess that I am just making a thoughtprocess mistake somewhere along the way. I cant physically test right now because i wont be home for another week, but its driving me nuts so i wanted to share with you.


Here is the situation:


KodiHelixHeadless Docker from Sparklyballs installed

MariaDB Docker from Needo installed

Dedicated HTPC with Ubuntu Mini and only Kodi 14.01 installed

Mediashares (movies, tv shows, docus) shared via samba, set to secure


I logged into the MariaDB as root and created a user "kodi" with password "kodi", i let everyone connect from everywhere with "%"

I configured KodiHeadless to use my MariaDB Database with IP and Port, User and Passw

I started KodiHeadless Docker, let it run for a few minutes stopped it and checked that the advancedsettings.xml looked right and started the Docker back up


I added the <videodatabase> and <audiodatabase> tags to the as.xml on my HTPC

Next I restarted the HTPC and added my movie, tv and docu shares via samba as new sources in the HTPC

I let it scan and scrape the shares and get artwork and info with the "moviedb" and "tvdb" scrapers

I connected with HeidiSQL to the MariaDB Database and saw that the tables are getting filled with information


So far so good, everything seemed fine


I can connect from CouchPotato and Sonarr to my KodiHeadless and let them update the Database on download

I can connect to the WebUI of KodiHeadless

I can connect and update with YATSE to my KodiHeadless



and asked why the new movies are not showing and where her newest episodes are

I told her to hit "update database" in Kodis Settings and after updating, she could see the new movies and episodes


which brings me to the conclusion that the HTPC is not connected to the MariaDB Database. If it would be then there shouldnt be the need to manually update Kodi


So I connected to my homenetwork via VPN, installed a virgin Kodi on my laptop, added the <videolibrary> and <audiolibrary> tags with my mysql information to a fresh as.xml, started Kodi and could immediately see all my movies and tvshows. I didnt have to set any paths, scrape anything, it was all there. As it should be...




So, what is wrong with my HTPC?


I tried copying the myvideos90.db and mymusicXX.db from my HTPC to the userdata directory of KodiHeadless and renamed to databases on my HTPC, let my wife reboot the HTPC, but then all movie and tvshow entries were gone. After re-renaming the databases and rebooting everything was working again.

I tripple checked the <videolibrary> tags in my HTPCs as.xml


Only my HTPC has a myvideos.db and mymusic.db, neither KodiHeadless nor my Laptop has these Databases.


It seems as if the HTPC is not connecting to the MariaDB Database. It seems to run its own show.


So, i had the idea, but cant test it right now, to delete all the paths i set in the beginning to my movie, tv and docu shares in the HTPCs Kodi.

Would this force Kodi to connect to the MariaDB Database and pull all data from there?

It seems to work with my Laptop connect via OpenVPN to the MariaDB Database....



Anyone with a better idea?

How did you set up your Kodi + KodiHeadless + MariaDB the first time?


Thanks for reading this far :)


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Thanks, I just added a passwords.xml and a sources.xml (just to be sure) to the headless kodi.

I will report back when i talked to my wife if it helped or not.


I didnt create these files in the first place because Squid posted here that a passwords.xml is not needed when shares are set to secure. Only when set to private.

And since guests already have read-only access, i thought it is not necessary.


But i would be really happy if such a small fix would solve the problem.


Will report back :)


EDIT: I created a user in unraid called kodi with passwd kodi and i entered this information into the passwords.xml

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I didnt create these files in the first place because Squid posted here that a passwords.xml is not needed when shares are set to secure. Only when set to private.

I was banging my head against the wall a fair amount when I was sorting that stuff out.  Details may not have been perfect :(


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I finally had time to look for the problem and i solved it.

I completely purged kodi from my htpc and installed it fresh. After the first start i edited the as.xml with the necessary <videolibrary> tags and everything worked perfectly.


I dont know why it didnt work before, but its working now :)


Thanks all for your help and ideas!!!

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