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Updated DDClient Container (based on smdion's)

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DDClient (captinsano/ddclient:latest) has the following comments: Generally the unRaid community recommends installing the version from linuxserver.io This application has been deprecated from Community Applications for that reason. While still functional, it is no longer recommended to utilize it.

It's been a good run 🚢

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Deprecated does not mean unusable.  I was simply cleaning up the apps available within CA, and removed a ton of the old ones that haven't had either active maintainers for which there are very viable and well supported alternatives.  


If you ever have to redo your docker.img, any app which has been deprecated will appear within previous apps.  This move basically removes this particular container as an option for new installs only, and is fundamentally to prevent the "which DDClient should I install?" question.

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To further elaborate, the DDClient utilized in this particular container was 3.8.2 which was released in 2013.  In 2015, 3.8.3 was released, and zero activity has been done since then.


The lsio container utilizes the DDClient fork, and the last update to the app itself was done 17 days ago.

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