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I see a strange behavior on my test&backup server:

  • I removed all previous VMManger items
  • I changed my syslinux.cfg: append intel_iommu=on pcie_acs_override=downstream initrd=/bzroot
  • I changed VMSettings towards: PCIe ACS Override: NO
  • I rebooted the system



  • I see this in syslinux.cfg: append intel_iommu=on initrd=/bzroot
  • I see this in syslinux.cfg-: append intel_iommu=on pcie_acs_override=downstream initrd=/bzroot
  • I'm still being asked to boot the server (see picture attached)


Syslog attached as well. What am I'm doing wrong?

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I asked a similar question and my understanding from how JonP replied was that if pcie_acs_override=downstream is in your syslinux then PCIe ACS Override: will always be "yes". JonP also said to use PCIe ACS Override: Yes at your own risk.


After reading this I just booted into the default unRAID OS option without all these options "intel_iommu=on pcie_acs_override=downstream" and all my VM's and devices turned on / passed through just fine. You may want to try just booting into the default option and seeing if everything works.

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I was wondering about this myself since the advent of the new option PCIe ACS Override in the KVM Settings.


My syslinux.cfg also contains the same as archedraft's so I assumed that it was just a manual way of changing the option and although I could probably remove it, it wasn't doing any harm.


Thanks archedraft for confirming my suspicions.

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it wasn't doing any harm.


Again, due to JonP's statement of "use at your own risk", I stopped using all the boot options you copied from me. I am currently running unRAID with the following and the VM's run fine.


label unRAID OS
  menu default
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot

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I've always had those options on as I thought they were required for my dvb card pass through.  I'll try and edit it out over the weekend, but going out tonight and don't want to break anything and leave the wife alone and without TV!

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I've always had those options on as I thought they were required for my dvb card pass through.  I'll try and edit it out over the weekend, but going out tonight and don't want to break anything and leave the wife alone and without TV!


I had thought the same and I'm guessing that those options were needed in the earlier versions of beta 6, but regardless it's working now without all of the extra stuff...

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I've always had those options on as I thought they were required for my dvb card pass through.  I'll try and edit it out over the weekend, but going out tonight and don't want to break anything and leave the wife alone and without TV!


I had thought the same and I'm guessing that those options were needed in the earlier versions of beta 6, but regardless it's working now without all of the extra stuff...


Actually I'm still on beta 14b so will hold off doing anything until I update to beta 15.

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I've always had those options on as I thought they were required for my dvb card pass through.  I'll try and edit it out over the weekend, but going out tonight and don't want to break anything and leave the wife alone and without TV!


I had thought the same and I'm guessing that those options were needed in the earlier versions of beta 6, but regardless it's working now without all of the extra stuff...


So just to clarify in your menu PCIe ACS Override is set to off as well as all references to it being removed from syslinux.



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I've always had those options on as I thought they were required for my dvb card pass through.  I'll try and edit it out over the weekend, but going out tonight and don't want to break anything and leave the wife alone and without TV!


I had thought the same and I'm guessing that those options were needed in the earlier versions of beta 6, but regardless it's working now without all of the extra stuff...


So just to clarify in your menu PCIe ACS Override is set to off as well as all references to it being removed from syslinux.


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I've always had those options on as I thought they were required for my dvb card pass through.  I'll try and edit it out over the weekend, but going out tonight and don't want to break anything and leave the wife alone and without TV!


I had thought the same and I'm guessing that those options were needed in the earlier versions of beta 6, but regardless it's working now without all of the extra stuff...


So just to clarify in your menu PCIe ACS Override is set to off as well as all references to it being removed from syslinux.


Thanks again archedraft, as always, much appreciated.

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So, like usual curiosity got the better of me, changed syslinux.cfg back to default and pass through works fine on beta14b, also tried it on beta15 and, confirming archedrafts results, passthrough still working with PCIe ACS Override also off in the settings menu.

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That is great to hear. Very good to know that a manual edit of syslog.cfg isn't needed anymore even with passthrough PCI devices. unRaid is getting easier to manage each day.

Thanks for your help and clarification archedraft.


[EDIT] web gui is showing: PCIe ACS Override: No. I also removed and modifications at syslinux.cfg:

label unRAID OS
  menu default
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot


This is all according to Jon's advise but the web gui is still reporting: You must reboot for changes to take effect (see pic #1 in my first posting).

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