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What AntiVirus are you running on VMs?


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I have Ran Avast on all my systems (well at least desktop OS systems, including VMs) forever but apparently KVM VMs don't like Avast.... Every time when I install Avast it hangs the VM at the point it is "starting the Kernal Driver aswSnx" and if I hard crash the VM it becomes unbootable with the following error


I have repeated this several times on every Unraid build from 6.0 b15 to rc3 :(


I have had great luck with Avast and would prefer to stay with Avast.... But I'm open to other options at this point vs running without AV.



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What's wrong with windows defender?


Unfortunately Per Microsoft Windows Defender does not preform a full antiVirus Scan function on Windows 7, so I need something else.


I have done some digging and there appears to be a fix for Avast out there but it isn't baked in to the official code yet. the issue appears to be something with the VStor driver, if I understood correctly.

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Interesting. Good to know its an avast specific issue.


I'm trying to find the bug report I found that reported it that i found yesterday.. so far I have only found one that was closed as a duplicate to another that was closed :)


The one I found yesterday linked to 3 other things, 2 pointed to files from paid versions of files that resolved the issue, but the 3rd appeared to be referring to a version that is or would be rolled into the free version (of Redhat, or KVM I think but I had just had a root canal and wasn't paying 100% attention).

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