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6.0 GUI showing incorrect preclear read speed status

Brian B.

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Title says it all. Was using the GUI to keep on eye on a 5TB preclear, the MB/sec seemed way low, connected via screen and everything is normal.


I have noticed this as well.. I noticed that the percentual status is correct but especially the speed is incorrectly displayed..

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I saw the "6.0 GUI" reference, noticed it was in the v5 area, and moved it here to General Support for v6.  But now I realize, that it was probably meant to be where most of the Preclear support is, so a good case could be made for either location.  If you prefer it back there, I'll move it back, with my apologies.

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As a follow up, the GUI preclear status seems to work significantly better with the preclear plugin, and it is amazing! So amazing in fact that this should be an included feature of the core file server, and not a 3rd party add-on (this applies to the preclear script and the plug-in functionality)


Back to the speed displayed. I think the GUI is right, and the script (CLI) display is wrong. I say this because a drive took 6 hours to preread (120ish MB/sec) 6ish hours to zero, (again 120ish MB/sec) and 12 hours to post read (which would be 60ish MB/sec) The GUI showed the correct number, the CLI showed much higher read speed (120ish MB/sec)


Not that it really matters, it got the job done no matter what was displayed. More helpful to humans would be an estimated time remaining. (doing a little creative math as most drives tend to slow down the further they get along inn the read or write process)


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