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How do I set permissions for sub folders?


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Hi all,


Was recently introduced to unRaid by my English teacher and I'm really liking the it. But I've been having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to set permissions for my sub folders.


User accounts that were created in the GUI:






I have a share called USERS with my family members folders in it. i.e. /mnt/user/USERS/Mom; /mnt/user/USERS/Dad; /mnt/user/USERS/Brother etc. What I want to accomplish is to have the user of Dad access only Dad's folder and prevent it from accessing other folders; user Brother accessing only Brother folder and not other folders etc.


How can I accomplish this? Much thanks!

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I don't mind creating a share per user, but would it be possible to create a share per user under another Share? I don't want my Level 1 share folders littered with user folders. I currently have Movies, TV, Music, Documents, and Photos. I don't want to have Dad, Mom, Brother, Me folders along with them, but rather neatly tucked away under a Users share.


I don't mind getting dirty if there are other ways to accomplish this... I just want to get it done. Thanks again!

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I don't mind creating a share per user, but would it be possible to create a share per user under another Share? I don't want my Level 1 share folders littered with user folders. I currently have Movies, TV, Music, Documents, and Photos. I don't want to have Dad, Mom, Brother, Me folders along with them, but rather neatly tucked away under a Users share.


I don't mind getting dirty if there are other ways to accomplish this... I just want to get it done. Thanks again!

Not supported in unRAID.
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