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Clean reboot from CL?


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When I init the "reboot" command from the CL the server reboots fine but always does a parity check upon starting. I assume it isn't gracefully unmounting the disks. I thought when running a reboot from the CL it is built-in for unRaid to unmount all the disks first, then gracefully shutdown or reboot? I'm coming from V5 which I installed power down clean via unmenu, but thought V6 has this built in.

ME <- wrong again?



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Yes, that's it. If you scroll down to the bottom of the first post there you will see that it is very recent.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 05:03:26 PM by dlandon »

Be sure to read that entire first post so you understand how to install and use it. Plugin install in v6 is different than v5.

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