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Copy files into array


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New unraid 6 server, so far just one drive installed.....need to copy data off of spare HD's and then install them in the array (will re-format first as xfs to try to make the array as clean as possible).


I tried to load SNAP through the plugins tab, and it seemed to install fine, but external USB hd's aren't recognized and I don't see any settings or controls for snap to play with...it does show up in the installed plugin's tab, but that is it.


Does SNAP still work with V6 and if so, are there any tricks I am missing.  Alternatively, are there any docker apps that will allow this or other ways of copying the data over other than through the network (I only have 100mb ethernet, so it is rather slow).






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Thank you,


I guess I might have read that it was depreciated, but I don't have the vaguest idea what that means....new to unraid and linux.


Unassigned Devices and putty seems to be working great....should help get through this setup mutch faster.

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Thank you,


I guess I might have read that it was depreciated, but I don't have the vaguest idea what that means....new to unraid and linux.

'deprecated' is a term that is widely used - and has nothing specifically to do with unRAID or Linux!  What it means is that there although the feature works it's use should be avoided if possible.  This is typically because it is being superseded by some new capability.  It is normal to assume that if something is marked as deprecated then at some point it will stop working and/or be withdrawn (quite likely without further notice).

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