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Files Missing from Shares but on /diskx


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I moved from Rieser to XFS on 6.0-RC.6. I am noticing many of my files are missing from the Shares but if I look through the disks they are there. I did run a new permissions script but I haven't seen a change.

What should I do to get these things glued back together?





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That sort of helped. I now see the issue. This is gonna suck.


When I did an Rsync, I moved the contents to a share called diskx as it was copying to disky. I then merged the contents into the root folders.  So now I have a bunch of per disk shares that I am scared to nuke. Any idea how to clean this up gracefully?


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Disable user shares until you get things sorted. Go into each of the actual disk shares, and move the contents of any diskX folders back into the root of the drive. Once the diskX folder is completely empty, delete it. Check every disk, including the cache, and make sure there are no folders named diskX, or files hanging out in the root of the disks not in folders. Then you should be able to turn user shares back on and be back in business.


All folders in the root of the disk shares will become user shares, identical folders on different disks will be merged into the same user share with that name.

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Turn off user shares. Use only disk share to fix. Every top level folder is a user share. There should be no directories with the name "disk#" in the top level of any disk share. Using disk shares you can move the files from the problematic top level directories to more reasonable locations.

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