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Deleting Container and Image?


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When you delete a container it also provides an option for deleting the "container and image."  Does that option literally wipe out the entire image file and pretty much all the apps installed there?   

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no, just the docker image - it leaves the docker storage image alone, just removes the docker image inside of it


Consider the docker storage image like a hard drive - lets say 20G - and each docker image is like a .ISO in the hard drive image.  So you are just removing the XML and ISO file - in this poor example :)





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That isn't what I expected.  So if you delete only the container is the image of the app still left inside the image file taking up space?  If so, what happens if you delete only the container and now want to delete the container and the image of the app as well?  Is there anyway to go back and delete the image of the app since the container is already deleted?


Ultimately, I'm assuming if you are looking to wipe out everything from a particular app it makes since to choose the removal of both the container and the image....correct?  Come to think of it, why would even want to keep the image of the app when you are deleting the container.  I suspect there is a reason.  I just don't know what it is.

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