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Trial key problem


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I'm using a server to make some tests and I'm having trouble with the trial key.


I had v6beta15 and upgraded to 6.0.1, as expected unraid request a trial key, I requested a key and intalled but could not start the array because "too many attached devices", I only have 3 SSDs and the USB pen drive connectd, so I restarted and now i get "trial expired", requested extension and get error "cannot renew trial because your license hasnt't expired yet", and I'm still getting "too many attached devices"


Screenshtos and diagonostics attached




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I'm using a server to make some tests and I'm having trouble with the trial key.


I had v6beta15 and upgraded to 6.0.1, as expected unraid request a trial key, I requested a key and intalled but could not start the array because "too many attached devices", I only have 3 SSDs and the USB pen drive connectd, so I restarted and now i get "trial expired", requested extension and get error "cannot renew trial because your license hasnt't expired yet", and I'm still getting "too many attached devices"


Screenshtos and diagonostics attached

Are you sure you have no other devices attached even though they are not being used by unRAID?  The limit applies to attached devices - not used devices.  If in doubt try getting a diagnostics ZIP file via the Tools menu to see if anyone can spot your problem.


the only time I have heard of a spurious trial expired occurred message when the time on the server was not correct.  I believe it needs to be within a few seconds of the correct time (which is normally OK if it has been set via the default of NTP).

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Do you use an NTP server for time?


I turned on the server today to check the NTP setting and surprise both errors are gone, didn’t change anything, hardware or software.


Use NTP is "no" by the way, but date and time are correct, as they were yesterday.


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Do you use an NTP server for time?


I turned on the server today to check the NTP setting and surprise both errors are gone, didn’t change anything, hardware or software.


Use NTP is "no" by the way, but date and time are correct, as they were yesterday.

Chances are your time setting was just slightly ahead of our registration server and needed to catch up. Glad it's all working for you now.

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